nasa1974's Account Talk

This is from -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

STRONG M-FLARE AND CME: Yesterday, Jan. 30th, big sunspot AR1967 unleashed a strong M6-class solar flare.

LUNAR TRANSIT OF THE SUN: On Jan. 30th, the Moon passed almost directly in front of the sun.

NON-STOP NORTHERN LIGHTS: In Sweden's Abisko National Park, Chad Blakley has been an aurora tour guide for many years.

Every night, a network of NASA all-sky cameras scans the skies above the United States for meteoritic fireballs.
On Jan. 30, 2014, the network reported 10 fireballs.
From Government News, Research and Events for Federal Employees -

Some interesting articles but I liked this one in particular.

NextgovFeds Shoot Down Beer Delivery by Drone
It seemed like a foolproof business model, but the FAA says it’s illegal.

January 30
From Sunspot AR1967 is huge and the Aurore footage is amazing.

CME DELAYED: A CME expected to sideswipe Earth's magnetic field on Feb 2nd did not arrive on time.

BIG SUNSPOT, HIGH SOLAR ACTIVITY: Solar activity reached high levels yesterday with seven M-class solar flares and three CMEs.

MUST-SEE AURORA MOVIE: "We are enjoying one of our best years ever," reports Chad Blakley, an aurora tour guide in Sweden's Abisko National Park.
Below are the March monthly returns and they show some positive numbers. Of coarse so did January and February. If you were smart enough (or lucky) to be in the "F" fund January helped out your TSP. For the rest of us not so well. February seems to be holding up so far. Lets hope March can give us all a little extra profit.

View attachment TSP March Returns.xls
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Below are the March monthly returns and they show some positive numbers. Of coarse so did January and February. If you were smart enough (or lucky) to be in the "F" fund January helped out your TSP. For the rest of us not so well. February seems to be holding up so far. Lets hope March can give us all a little extra profit.

View attachment 27261
It would be nice! :)
Hopefully the Emerging Market Fund would perform better than our I Fund. :mad:

Meh, looks like it will only be available in an L Fund mix. :rolleyes: