nasa1974's Account Talk

Hot Dang, I'm jumping on the first flight to Georgia ! I just have to convince my Cardiologist to come along for the ride.
Hot Dang, I'm jumping on the first flight to Georgia ! I just have to convince my Cardiologist to come along for the ride.

Since you would be paying for the ticket and the BBQ is free he just might do it and not even charge you for the trip. :D

SB, thanks for posting in my humble thread.
Hot Dang, I'm jumping on the first flight to Georgia ! I just have to convince my Cardiologist to come along for the ride.
The BBQ was great, I saved you a chunk and a bunch of trimmings, come on down we have enough for your Cardiologist too!
Actually, it's under 100 now -- how quickly things change! ;) I had wanted to add this to my previous post but was unable to edit it. Any idea why we can sometimes edit our posts and other times not? Is it strictly a timer thing? :confused:
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Actually, it's under 100 now. ;) I had wanted to add this to my previous post but was unable to edit it. Any idea why we can sometimes edit our posts and other times not? Is it strictly a timer thing? :confused:
Yes! It times out in a few minutes, but you can always ask a Moderator to change it if it's important.
Thanx, nnuut. It wasn't important -- just learning the parameters. What is important is that nasa1974's countdown is down to 5 and aproaching blastoff. :nuts:
Good day for me yesterday in the S fund. I have my fingers crossed for one more good day. I am .59% away from matching my high for the year. I will be watching the market today and more than likely make a move to the G fund today. September is notorious for making you wish you had gotten out yesterday. I just wish we could make our decision closer to the closing bell than noon eastern time. But it is what it is. Good luck today everyone.
I haven't posted this information in awhile. For the month of August most of the funds did rather well. The "F" fund managed only a .01 profit while the "C" fund was up .39 the "S" fund was the winner at .80 and the "I" fund came in second at .60. Have a good day.
I just moved to 100% G fund. I'm close enough to my year high that 15.13%YTD is a good place to be right now. Besides tomorrow and Friday I have to work 10-2 and I won't be able to watch the market or make a move. So today it is. In 2011 I lost over 9% in September. So why take a chance now. I still have one IFT left for the month. Good luck everyone.