nasa1974's Account Talk



House keeps government open through Nov. 18; what happens next?
Lawmakers now must figure out how to fund the government for the rest of fiscal 2012.

This one is interesting.

Panel urges Congress to scrap annual budget process 10/04/11 After a year of multiple near government shutdowns and budget battles, lawmakers consider moving to two-year spending cycle.

Federal hiring of Hispanics slows, nearly flat 10/04/11 Latino representation in federal workforce has stalled in recent years, report finds.

HHS wary of proposal to reduce Medicare drug fraud 10/04/11 GAO suggestion for exposing over-prescription of frequently abused pharmaceuticals might harm legitimate health care, Senate is told.

LightSquared threatens legal action if FCC blocks network operation 10/04/11

Former Defense chief meets with House Republicans 10/04/11

Suspect arrested in shooting of SSA employee 10/04/11

Bachmann speaks on border agent controversy 10/04/11

Play of the Day -- Late-night shows take on Perry's hunting camp called ... The name nobody wants to say 10/04/11

White House gets its first female chief usher 10/04/11
Thanks NASA, and good morning to you. I'd still like to bring a temporary injunction againt the TSP board 2008 2-IFT rule.
Thanks NASA, and good morning to you. I'd still like to bring a temporary injunction againt the TSP board 2008 2-IFT rule.

I wish we could too. Unfortunately we are the minority and have little say even though we made a big impact in 2007/2008. I would only see a change happen if we could get about 2/3's of the members asking for change.
Well between yesterday and today the market has made up for Monday's losses. So I guess I am slightly ahead for the month. Yipee!!


Postal Service remains in limbo
Lawmakers approve extension for immediate cash obligations, but other proposals have yet to make an impact.

Former Homeland Security employee heads to prison 10/06/11 William Mann is sentenced to 46 months for taking bribes and falsifying immigration documents.
Solyndra was banking on energy bill, emails show 10/06/11 The solar-power start-up could still be in business if laws promoting renewable energy had passed, correspondences suggest.
Obama demands passage of $447 billion jobs bill 10/06/11 With a Senate vote looming next week, the president repeatedly asked, 'Why would you vote against this bill?'
Play of the Day -- Jon Stewart: How are the Wall Street protesters not like the Tea Party? 10/06/11 A daily roundup of late-night video.
ATF announces major reshuffling of top staff 10/06/11
Officials: Secret panel decided on Awlaki killing 10/06/11
Army Corps bribery arrests praised by lawmakers 10/05/11
Pension contribution levels rise 10/05/11

Panel urges Congress to scrap annual budget process
By Kellie Lunney October 4, 2011

"Congress should switch from an annual budget process to a two-year cycle to provide greater stability for federal agencies and conduct better oversight of government programs, lawmakers and witnesses said during a hearing Tuesday on Capitol Hill. Democrats and Republicans both expressed support for approving biennial agency budgets, or even multi-year appropriations, to fix what has become a routine, last-minute process of passing continuing resolutions to keep the government operating..."
Another WOW!! finish to the market. So will the market take a breather going into the long weekend? Give back some of the positive aura. :notrust:
The market may be telling us that Obama is toast and a lame duck with no credibility - the market is ignoring him just like I am.
Just thought this was interesting. Maybe not for everyone. Clicking on the pictures will not open any links. Links are underlined and in blue.


Daily Sun: 11 Oct 11

Growing sunspot 1313 is crackling with C-class solar flares. flares. Credit: SDO/HMI

DRACONID METEOR BALLOON: During the peak of the Draconid meteor shower on Oct. 8th, a group of students in Bishop, California, flew a helium balloon to the stratosphere to try to record some Draconid fireballs in the darkness at high-altitude. Five cameras recorded more than 50 GB of data, which the team is sifting through now for evidence of meteors. While we're waiting for the meteor count, the team offers this video of the balloon popping about 100,000 feet above Earth:

Video: realtime, slow motion. Credit: Earth to Sky, copyright 2011, all rights reserved

Note the ghostly halo around the center of the exploding balloon. That's probably the fine talcum-like powder added by the manufacturer to keep the balloon from sticking to itself. Here is the explosion again in slow motion. Be sure to turn up the volume to hear the sound of the balloon popping. The delay proves that light is faster than sound even in the stratosphere.
The balloon pops by design when it reaches the apex of the flight. Immediately, the payload plummets Earthward, falling several hundred mph through the vanishingly thin air of the stratosphere. To arrest the fall, a parachute opens and delivers the payload gently to Earth about 25 minutes later. The Draconid payload landed in the rugged but beautiful Inyo mountains of central California where it was recovered by the team on Oct. 9th.
Going to be some interesting Tracker positions tonight. VIX down almost 1%. S & F right around .25%, C at .10% and I at .18%. Toss in yesterdays numbers and it will be interesting for sure.
The markets really battled from about 2:45 until close. Nice finish on the positive side for the CSI funds.

My crystal ball is in the shop. Anybody know what will happen tomorrow and Friday. :toung:
The markets really battled from about 2:45 until close. Nice finish on the positive side for the CSI funds.

My crystal ball is in the shop. Anybody know what will happen tomorrow and Friday. :toung:

We are at a high resistance point and have a good chance to go down, but since I'm playing Little Bull, I'm hoping consalidation and another push. By my chart we,re at a decision point right now!:confused:

At this point majority would pick down.:(