nasa1974's Account Talk

Good link, it seems they are at it again, doing something STUPID. I wonder who is behind this?
And threatening of a shutdown.
I'm getting really freaking tired of that line, real fast.

Cue the "starving seniors not getting SS checks, military not getting paid" talk in 3...2...1...
And threatening of a shutdown.
I'm getting really freaking tired of that line, real fast.

Cue the "starving seniors not getting SS checks, military not getting paid" talk in 3...2...1...

Luckily my Agency is funded through the Spring of 2012 via a continuing resolution. I am really tired of the shutdown crap myself. We have not had a Transportation Bill passed in years and have been operating through continuous resoultions forever. I wsh we could fire everyone of the Congresman and Senators and start completely over. They are out of touch with reality! Their blatant political posturing and disregard for Federal Emloyees financial livelihood just pisses me off. I don't care for our Super Leader, but damn it, pass something other than the elimination of "Don't ask don't tell".
But that's a great thing, because now everyone is allowed to talk about their boring lives that nobody else cares about.


Honeymoon is short-lived for new feds 09/26/11
Agencies have to work harder to keep employees happy longer, say observers.
[Huan Tran/Corbis]

Clinton-era government downsizing offers lessons for current crisis 09/27/11 Report says planning ahead and preparing employees can make budget cuts less painful.
Why the near shutdown matters 09/27/11 It was a skirmish in a war that won't end soon.
Lawmakers reach agreement to avoid shutdown 09/26/11 Deal would keep the government afloat until mid-November, setting up the possibility of another showdown days before the super committee's deficit plan is due.
Federal job applicants headed for a better shopping experience 09/26/11 USAJobs redesign will follow common practices for retail websites, making it easier to target searches.
New satellite could revolutionize battlefield communications 09/26/11
Only two Afghan battalions operating 'independently' -- sort of 09/26/11
U.S. troops leaving Iraq, but U.S. presence there just ramping up 09/26/11 Attack on CIA office in Kabul kills one 09/26/11
Play of the Day -- GOP debate between Romney, Perry and six other people who will never be president 09/26/11
U.S. rushes to give away military equipment 09/26/11

Buyout Watch

The roster of federal agencies offering buyouts or early outs continues to grow, and we are tracking them. Click here to see the list.
Re: your post #2575. It was the internet report from FT around 2:45 about a rift in the Euro Zone between hardliners and softliners on how to handle the Greek debt, between those wanting private investors (bond holders) to take a larger haircut and those not. See Tom's market talk, also my last post wherever it is. But the futures turned from neg. to pos. between 1:30 EDT and 5:09 EDT and continue pos. now (8:25 EDT).

Check out Tom's remarks for today, also CH's, and Uptrend's latest post, I think he pegs it for the rest of the year.