nasa1974's Account Talk

From Yahoo! News

U.S. recovers $180 million in cocaine from sunken submarine

By Colleen Jenkins | Reuters – 15 hrs ago

"MIAMI (Reuters) - U.S. authorities have recovered nearly 15,000 pounds of cocaine worth an estimated $180 million from a sunken submarine-like vessel used by smugglers off the coast of Honduras, the Coast Guard said on Monday.
The crew of the Boston-based Coast Guard Cutter Seneca intercepted a self-propelled semi-submersible vessel off the Caribbean coast of Honduras on July 13..."

I think the GOV should sell it and pay down on the national debt.
From Yahoo! News

U.S. recovers $180 million in cocaine from sunken submarine

By Colleen Jenkins | Reuters – 15 hrs ago

"MIAMI (Reuters) - U.S. authorities have recovered nearly 15,000 pounds of cocaine worth an estimated $180 million from a sunken submarine-like vessel used by smugglers off the coast of Honduras, the Coast Guard said on Monday.
The crew of the Boston-based Coast Guard Cutter Seneca intercepted a self-propelled semi-submersible vessel off the Caribbean coast of Honduras on July 13..."
These type submersibles were mentioned in Tom Clancy's new book as being used by the Mexican Drug cartels? He's always a little ahead of the news. Interesting!
These type submersibles were mentioned in Tom Clancy's new book as being used by the Mexican Drug cartels? He's always a little ahead of the news. Interesting!

I don't remember which Tom Clancey book it was but some terrorists crashed a jetliner into the Capitol. This was pre 9/11.
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These type submersibles were mentioned in Tom Clancy's new book as being used by the Mexican Drug cartels? He's always a little ahead of the news. Interesting!
Makes you wonder how many years these have been operating and how many of these have made it past the Coast Guard.
It looks like it is offical. The market doesn't trust our bozo's in Washington. Other than the F fund nothing is positive. Looks like I am going to be negative on the tracker for the first time since September 2010. :mad:
Even the Sun has issues with our politicians. :rolleyes: You have to click on the link to see the on video. If this is as big as they think, we could see aurora's on a line from southern Ohio to southern Wyoming. Could even be some minor communication problems.


EARTH-DIRECTED BLAST: Magnetic fields above sunspot 1261 erupted this morning at 0619 UT, producing a long-duration M1-class solar flare. At the peak of the action, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a surge of extreme ultraviolet radiation around the sunspot:

The blast also hurled a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Earth. This movie from NASA's STEREO-Ahead spacecraft shows the cloud racing away from the sun at almost 900 km/s. Geomagnetic storms are possible when the CME arrives on or about August 5th. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
I like roller coasters but this ride isn't fun anymore. :sick: If you look at the S fund chart it looks like one of those charts you see in cartoon's. :(
I like roller coasters but this ride isn't fun anymore. :sick: If you look at the S fund chart it looks like one of those charts you see in cartoon's. :(

Heck, If we go down tomorrow I think I'm parking my Arse in the Garage and taking a 3 month Hiatus from the stock market.

I'm ordering me a $1,000.00 Metal Detector today with all the accessories and I'm going to play and I'm not joking. Time for some relaxation. It's back to my annual NC Emerald Isle Beach vacation. I'm leaving on the 21'st for a week. I've got to start practicing and learning how to use the machine so I can find all those rings and clad on the beach. :D
Since July 25th I'm down 8.60%. Like some other members have said "it is starting to look like 2008 again". I can afford a little more pain but it is starting to hurt. Let's hope we can see a nice move up. Not looking for a big jump but something nice and steady for a few weeks.

This was E-mailed to us. For any space junkies out there enjoy. You can click on this link for more information

View the Latest NASA ScienceCast: "What Lies Inside Jupiter" (Dated July 28, 2011)

The latest NASA ScienceCast: “What Lies Inside Jupiter?” presented by Science@NASA for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, focuses on NASA’s upcoming Juno mission to Jupiter, scheduled to launch on Aug. 5.

NASA's Juno probe is designed to answer the question: “What Lies Inside Jupiter?” The primary scientific goal of the Juno mission is to significantly improve our understanding of the formation, evolution and structure of Jupiter. Concealed beneath a dense cover of clouds, Jupiter, the archetypical “Giant Planet,” safeguards secrets to the fundamental processes underlying the early formation of our solar system. Present theories of the origin and early evolution of our solar system are currently at an impasse. Juno will provide answers to critical science questions about Jupiter, as well as key information that will dramatically enhance present theories about the early formation of our own solar system.
During its mission, Juno will investigate the gas giant’s origins, structure, atmosphere and magnetosphere. Juno’s color camera will provide close-up images of Jupiter, including the first detailed views of the planet’s poles. To learn more about the Juno mission, visit: To view the video, click on the image below:

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NASA ScienceCasts are short videos on interesting and unusual science topics related to NASA’s science missions. New stories are posted each Thursday at approximately 4 p.m. EDT. To watch additional NASA ScienceCasts, go to: