nasa1974's Account Talk

Just a bit surprised. 71 folks made an IFT for today. 11 are 50-90% "G" while 31 are 100% "G". I must have missed the memo. :rolleyes:

Gutsy move. Good Luck everyone.

I see this as opportunity to move up on the TA. Keeping fingers crossed and crystal ball at the ready. :D
The biggest thing to learn is how much risk you are willing to take. I have been stubborn and rode the sinking ship darn near to the bottom more than once. :mad: Sometimes the G fund can be your friend. :D
What the heck happened at 2:45????? Both the C & S funds dropped like rocks. Sure was nice to see a short recovery at around 3:15. It got scary tjere for a little bit.
I did the same thing when I started. Learning to grind my teeth and stay put. If it was the wrong move, I'll just take my medicine with the rest. :sick:

The biggest thing to learn is how much risk you are willing to take. I have been stubborn and rode the sinking ship darn near to the bottom more than once. :mad: Sometimes the G fund can be your friend.

I am taking my medicine (I'm in G) and risk wasn't the issue more than timing to get back in (no wait, why did I get out???)... :sick:

Anyway, I just need to decide to do one method, quite "living" on TSPTalk, and have faith that someone know more than I do (wait, I proved that) about investments and go from there...

Thanks !! :nuts:
I am taking my medicine (I'm in G) and risk wasn't the issue more than timing to get back in (no wait, why did I get out???)... :sick:

Anyway, I just need to decide to do one method, quite "living" on TSPTalk, and have faith that someone know more than I do (wait, I proved that) about investments and go from there...

Thanks !! :nuts:

After the 2008 bust and O was elected, I slapped all my TSP into a staggered allotment, (most in S & I) and was too busy to pay attention to every market iteration.
When I went to check it a year later (+/- a month or so) it had more than doubled.
If you're in for the long haul (over 10 years) the day to day can drive you nuts and be somewhat irrelevant.
You really need to read this for the comments. Some are very interesting.


[SIZE=+1]04 Days, 12 Hours,
16 Minutes, 30 Seconds

Behind closed doors, Boehner tells GOP frosh how a shutdown works
Dan Friedman National Journal April 1, 2011

"House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, in a closed-door meeting Thursday afternoon, exhorted freshman Republicans to "keep up the rhetoric" in the fight over funding the government this year and predicted that Democratic senators will give in to pressure from their constituents to make cuts..."
This was interesting.

Robots Rattle Data Guru

by Jim McTague
Monday, April 4, 2011

provided by

"A savvy market watcher has detected some suspicious — and very, very fast — automated-trading activity in March. Flash Crash 2?

New robotic-trading strategies are attempting to hack futures and equities markets — again. The suspicious activity appears unconnected to the October cyberattack on Nasdaq OMX Group (NASDAQ: NDAQ - News) now being investigated by the National Security Agency. But there seems to be a new team of trading 'bots abroad — and yes, they're distorting prices..."

Stocks flat, earnings could pierce resistance

Monday April 4, 2011, 12:55 pm
By Edward Krudy

"NEW YORK (Reuters) - The S&P 500 met tough resistance on Monday, with the next major catalyst that could push stocks higher not expected until quarterly earnings reports start to arrive next week.

Investors were cautious against a backdrop of geopolitical risks that have weighed on equities for months..."

FRTIB Board Members Meeting Minutes for February 2011

Some highlights from the meeting minutes

"Ms. Ray reported that participants transferred $1.7 billion from equity funds to the G and F Funds during the last three days of February. Mr. Sanchez remarked that participants do themselves a disfavor by buying low and selling high."
I'm not really sure what Mr. Sanchez is trying to say.

"After the meeting concluded, Mr. Sanchez, Ms. Bilyeu, Mr. Kennedy, and Mr. Long received annual ethics training."

Would this be considered an oxymoron. :laugh:

"Ms. Ray reported that participants transferred $1.7 billion from equity funds to the G and F Funds during the last three days of February. Mr. Sanchez remarked that participants do themselves a disfavor by buying low and selling high."

I think she meant "participants do those who do not manage their retirement or pay attention a disfavor by buying low and selling high"