MrJohnRoss' Account Talk

Wow! Nice market rally! Who's jumping back in the pool??? :nuts:


Uh oh. Did Birch speak his mind again?? Don't see his link on the forum. :(

He & I have the same mind set. That's why I love to banter with him.

Hurry back Birch!
As far as I know I'm still active - even with my low profile. I haven't given Tom any reason to pull the trigger.

Sorry, I didn't see your link and I panicked. You do have a habit of disappearing from time to time, ya know.

Very busy at work today. Otherwise I'd be sitting in the corner licking my wounds. Big up days are rough for me, but I believe the trend is still down.

This could be a reversal day. We'll have to see how the rest of the day (and the rest of the week) plays out.

I'll let everyone know if there is a change in my timing system.

Good luck everyone!
SNPK down 25% Does anyone make a play at these Penny Stocks?

Yeah, I caught STVF on it's one big up day, and was lucky enough to sell at the open on the big down day. I'm fortunate that I didn't get burned. Like playing chicken with a train on the train tracks. :blink:
System remains on a sell, but just by a hair. Another day like today would push it over the edge. If the first hour of trading is strong tomorrow... well, you know the drill. :cool:
22 Red Flags That Indicate That Very Serious Doom Is Coming For Global Financial Markets

"If you enjoy watching financial doom, then you are quite likely to really enjoy the rest of 2012. Right now, red flags are popping up all over the place. Corporate insiders are selling off stock like there is no tomorrow, major economies all over Europe continue to implode, the IMF is warning that the eurozone could actually break up and there are signs of trouble at major banks all over the planet.

Unfortunately, it looks like the period of relative stability that global financial markets have been enjoying is about to come to an end. A whole host of problems that have been festering just below the surface are starting to manifest, and we are beginning to see the ingredients for a "perfect storm" start to come together.

The greatest global debt bubble in human history is showing signs that it is getting ready to burst, and when that happens the consequences are going to be absolutely horrific. Hopefully we still have at least a little bit more time before the global financial system implodes, but at this point it doesn't look like anything is going to be able to stop the chaos that is on the horizon...."
Hey Sunshine!

You're turning into a scary person with all the doom and gloom! :worried:

Where's all that positive brain power? :toung::D
Hey Sunshine!

You're turning into a scary person with all the doom and gloom! :worried:

Where's all that positive brain power? :toung::D

Hey right back! *wink* :);)

It's good to read all kinds of the stories, good and bad. That way you're fully mentally prepared for whatever comes your way.