Well-known member
I believe that we DO have a choice on how we can more intelligently invest our hard earned money, and that's by using a well designed timing system that has proven to beat the market year after year.
Look, we all have our opinions. But I simply look at the facts. I've posted my charts and tables here numerous times, showing the results of using a pretty decent timing system that has beaten the market for 5 years straight. It's obviously not perfect, but I can't imagine giving it up in favor of buy and hold.
Birch, if I were in your shoes, I would most likely never sell my core holdings of world dominating dividend payers. (Well.... never say never. LoL). I'd let 'em compound and grow and spin off a nice income stream.
Good luck everyone!
Well, since Birch and I go back, I guess I'll come to his defense. Since you've joined the autotracker (Oct 17th, 2011) Birch's buy and hold strategy, along with DCA'ing, has beaten you pretty well. You post nice little charts, but until you actually beat a buy and hold strategy year after year, I'd say you don't have a "proven" system. Birch and I have been here a long time and we've seen them come and we've seen them go. Good luck to you, let's hope you are one that actually sticks around, through good times and bad................