MrJohnRoss' Account Talk

4 digits does not a rounding error make when the autotracker displays only 2. if today's gain plus ytd = +xx.0049% you get 0.37. if it = xx.0051% you get 0.38. all your (pretend autotracker money) is still there. the difference is pennies in how it is represented.

An old programing trick was to have the rounding alternate at .005 one time up the next down. That could explain why some have a .37% and other got a .38%.
An old programing trick was to have the rounding alternate at .005 one time up the next down. That could explain why some have a .37% and other got a .38%.

True, but that trick is not the best option for a contest. There is no concern for an accumulation of rounding errors in this case.
For those of you who like to "buy & hold" stocks, you may want to keep your eye on the long term timing system that I've shown before. Here's an updated look. It may just keep you out of the big bear markets.

We've just met the first condition for a sell signal, which is when the Stoch RSI reaches 0.00. That's the first time we've hit that level since the 2008-2009 bear market. All that remains is the weekly 10/50 MA crossover to create the official sell signal. Looks like it's creeping ever closer. I just added the PMO window this morning, so you can use that as a confirmation if/when it crosses the zero line.

$SPX weekly timing.png

Good luck!
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thanks for the heads up. I'm definitely a buy n hold but I remember someone mention the S&p dropping to 2067 and that would be another indicator or drop dead point. There are several things in addition to that which is really making me think on a first move out in over at least 3 years. September being historically one of the worst months. Also the Fed and the global situation. Thanks again and will u please post again when the ema crosses over?
This is quite a graph. It says a lot. I definitely plan to be out for September but this may have me out before then.

Thank you!
Can you show us more charts, please? For F, S and I? :flirt:
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I tend to stay IN more often than not, just changing up the mix every once in a while. But thanks for the Post, John. Ever since you posted before about this weekly chart I have been watching it on a regular basis. Sure would have saved my butt in 2008!

I check on You can put any tracked Index on there, and I usually check S fund ($DWCF or something). (Judy) I have been using 10/40 week however, so it comes out like 50d/200d. Do you think one is better than the other? other investors must be using a similar tracking method, so if one is used more than the other, it also adds the 'self fulfilling prophesy' factor. :blink:
I just checked and C Fund is $spx and S fund is $DWCPF.
And, yes, the weekly 10/40 is getting close to crossing for both funds.
Be careful out there! :nuts:
Understood. However, I don't have the option to select 'yearly" as a time period when I try to create the chart.

Yep you have to join and pay for that. The limit for NO PAY is 5 years I think. I think Big Charts lets you display longer charts?
Yep you have to join and pay for that. The limit for NO PAY is 5 years I think. I think Big Charts lets you display longer charts?

Yep, that too. I am a paying subscriber to Stockcharts which is why I am wondering why I still cannot replicate MRJ's chart.
Maybe I missed something, but as I recall, his chart seemed to be missing....the actual price. It included the MA's, but no actual price line. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Could that be why yours doesn't look like his?

Maybe you could show us yours :D

Yep, that too. I am a paying subscriber to Stockcharts which is why I am wondering why I still cannot replicate MRJ's chart.