[FONT="]Bond yields and mortgage rates are higher but I don't think they are in a problem area. Compared to the long run rates are still low. If I was trying to buy a house now i wouldn't cancel my search. [/FONT]
[FONT="]Three things happened to cause this dip. [/FONT]
[FONT="]1) the market ran up so long that we were due for a 3-5% dip any time. [/FONT]
[FONT="]2) jobs report showed higher wages which caused inflation fears which meant the the dip will happen now (week of Jan 29). [/FONT]
[FONT="]3) so many hot shots, hedge funds, and naive rookie day traders with a lot more money than experience were over leveraged in the VIX, XIV, and related products that when stocks were lower and the vix was higher on Monday Feb 5 they had to start selling. That made their products even less valuable and they got margin calls, so they had to sell everything they had, from triple strength Inverse VIX to 3M, just to pay the margin. This situation turned it from a 3-5% dip to a 10-12% dip. [/FONT]
[FONT="]In the final 2 hours of trading Friday those products began to settle down and the market rocketed upward. The margin calls seemed to have stopped at that point. I expect there will be new tests and bursts of margin calls and selling Monday and maybe Tuesday, but we are quickly running out of those people.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Look at the economy...increased corporate bonuses instead of layoffs, lower taxes (which I see for the first time in my upcoming Tuesday paycheck), very low unemployment, good GDP, etc. A market dip during times like this is quickly forgotten. We'll see new all time highs by May, maybe earlier.[/FONT]