mojo's Account Talk

Well you sure can tell where the Wicked Witch of the West's priorities are at... her own self center self interest. Hey why worry about the chattering class ( As we've been called by Chuckme Schemer), us elitist have muchmoreimportant things to do. :mad: And so much for the Dims promise to allow the public see the $790 billion bill for 48 hours before any vote. She sure shows her true colors when it comes to us regular Americans, I hope she can scrape us off the bottom of her shoe before she meets the pope, since Harry Reid called us smelly when we did the tourist thing at the Capitol. No change except they just think even less of us and think we are dumber.

Sorry that Rome story has already been debunked, she said earlier she would cancell if the stimulus package had not passed. Sounds good, but isn't true.
I think she did go, since the stimulus did pass, but I'll have to double check. But the deciding factor was whether the stimulus passed or not, NOT the nice weather (stop laughing) in Europe right now. I'll track down the story and get you a link, and a debunk on the Rome thing. So far I can only find the statement by a TX Representative that her Europe trip was more important than the package, quoting the same Representative every time, do we have a backup on that that doesn't quote Rep Culberson? I don't think reading it was going to change anyone's mind anyway, it was a party split vote on the whole. Personally, I think it was to make sure to keep those 4 Republican's votes and no Democrats leaving over something added or subtracted, and no changing of the mind of the four, and we are back to vote with your party.

Ah found it, for Pelosi. She said it back in January, that she would cancel if the package hadn't passed yet. It's old news so it was hard to find.
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She said that they would not go home without passage of an economic stimulus back on Jan 8. That debunks the story and my point? The story in my mind was that she was pressuring people to hurry up so she could go and apparently it worked. They rammed this thing down the American peoples' throat. No one even had an opportunity to read it. What arrogance.

"We are not going home without an economic recovery package," Pelosi said. Posted on Thu, Jan 8th, 2009

IMO anyone who's been following the stimulus package story can see that it was forced on use. In reality it is not a stimulus package etc..

Do you think she and the others that passed this bill acted honorably and did the right thing? Do you believe that this package is in the American peoples best interest?
It was a cynical self-fulfilling prophecy. The trip is not the point! The point is, they got the minimum number of votes to pass, and they got it out in February, and they decided that was all that mattered, because otherwise they'd be blamed for the continuing falling economy and they believe they weren't going to get anything from the Republicans, or any Dems not on the Commitee. It is NOT good for the future, but the point is NOT the trip.

The point is, ramrodding legislation with the minimum # of votes is continuing, and not only is is bad now, it's in danger of continuing when we are in a big mess and need all of the non-cynical input possible. If you are cynical, it's not worth putting off the trip because you will believe that the Republicans will vote as a block no matter what the bill says, and once you get your 4 votes, get it passed right away before one of the Dems goes nuts over what's in. Cake is in the oven, and we don't know what went in. I think Pelosi deserves to get snarked for deciding to schedule a trip in February, but this cake would be in the oven whether the trip was coming or not, cause you have just enough Republican votes to make something that can go into the oven and you don't give anyone else time to look it over. That's the point. It's more dangerous than a junket, it's an attitude that could preside over this entire Congress. Everyone vote with your party, and forget your brain, sneak in what you can if you are a Dem, and if you are a Senate Rep either be one of the power 4 and get all the gusto you can, or just find everything wrong in it cause there's no percentage in having any of this work, and it is best for your party if this is a complete failure.

It's cute using the symbology of the Junket, and an easy one liner, and makes good press. But what lies beneath is a much more dangerous problem. I'd rather have a junket animal, they simply go off and never get anything done. What we have here is something much more insidious.
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