mlk_man's account talk

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The_Technician said:
Lets see...moved in on the 23rd of May now its several moves, two weeks after a warning of/and a market drop........

oh how you weave your own web that catches yourself....your lies aren't helping anyone .......

Who's lying? The 23rd huh? Actually you moved in several times in June. My apologies to everyone else, but definitely not you. As you can see, it's easier to keep track of your "supposed" moves if you post them in your account. BTW, I think most of us realize you don't even have a TSP account so I'm sure it's hard to keep track............

Here's Tom's Post:

Yeah right....I played fair, Tom approved it...
Here are the transactions I can confirm...

COB 5/15 = 50% C 50% S
COB 5/16 = 100% G
COB 5/23 = 100% F
COB 6/13 = 100% C
COB 6/14 = 25% C, 25% S and 50% in I fund
COB 6/15 = 100% F
COB 6/19 = 33% to C and S, 34% to I
COB 6/23 = 100% G

Does it look right to you tech and nnuut?
U know MM, you're right, I did make those trades on the 15th and 16th.....its just I looked at my excel file and must have forgotten to post them in the TSP record ...but I did go back and look at my stored return email from TSP and I did make those an apology to you is due.....but still they were two weeks after an 8% market drop....which I predicted in late April....

I need to go back and insert those apologies fault
mlk_man said:
Here are the transactions I can confirm...

COB 5/15 = 50% C 50% S
COB 5/16 = 100% G
COB 5/23 = 100% F
COB 6/13 = 100% C
COB 6/14 = 25% C, 25% S and 50% in I fund
COB 6/15 = 100% F
COB 6/19 = 33% to C and S, 34% to I
COB 6/23 = 100% G

Does it look right to you tech and nnuut?

Change - I don't think I'm calculating this right....what is the gain/loss?
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The_Technician said:
U know MM, you're right, I did make those trades on the 15th and 16th.....its just I looked at my excel file and must have forgotten to post them in the TSP record ...but I did go back and look at my stored return email from TSP and I did make those an apology to you is due.....but still they were two weeks after an 8% market drop....which I predicted in late April....

I need to go back and insert those apologies fault

Actually the trades were there, but the dates were not updated when the trades were inserted...used dates continued from the last trade in April...easily done amongst all the BS that has transpired about that time....
Good news on the economic front. Let's get this party started. :D

Hey, the G fund will probably pay the penny today for anyone in the G fund. :p
Sitting tight today. Thought about going 100% I but I'm not getting any sell signals so will hold tight. Trying not to move around as much. :nuts:

Have a good weekend.
I like the fact the market hasn't skyrocketed today. Makes me feel better about staying in for Monday. Slow and steady wins the race..........
Slow & steady is good! U kno there is going to be profit takin after the biggies....:notrust:
Whew, tough trading in this market. I went back into stocks today because of some weak signals. Plus it's that time of the month, know what I mean?

Something tells me my little stalker is back. Oh goodie, goodie. :D
Decided to go 100% G this morning simply because I think the market may rest a day or two. No real economic data come out for the next several days so it might be a bumpy ride while we fight the wall of worry. There has been some selling volume build up during this upturn.

Happy returns,

FundSurfer said:
M_M, Are you still in this stock? I'm thinking this stock is due to turn it back around.

I still have some of it but sold most when it went below a dollar. I bought the shares I have left at 16-20 cents last year so it's still all good. I think you're right about turning around. All we need is for them to sell their first licensing agreement and then I think we're golden. I may buy some more soon.

Another one I'm high on is EFSF.OB. I'm just waiting for them to post their quarterly report. It should be a nice one. Bought some at .28 and bought some more today. It's a VERY small cap though.
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