Did not make much, but on the other hand I did not lose anything. If we could short our TSP funds I would of been up a ton. Going long this market is not wise. Going ahead and buy into the next down day. I said Friday was going to be a bad day starting 27 Augand there would be a RNC rally this week. You went into G fund on a market sell off day (friday) and missed the nice up day yesterday. Who is ahead of who????
I may be yada yada to you but hopefully to others I am coming in loud and clear. Get the heck out of the way on the next big down day and do not buy into it.
Anyone agree with me (anyone on my side here :shock
??? Hiding out in G fund is not bad when the market is going down...not up.
NEW YORK - Wall Street professionals know to keep their expectations in check in September, historically the worst month of the year for stocks. As summertime draws to a close, money managers are getting back to business, cleaning house, and often sending the market[/b] lower in the process.
September has opened strong eight of the last nine years, but it's ended with a knockout punch for stocks for the lastsix years, because
institutional traders are making end-of-the-quarter portfolio changes.