mlk_man's account talk

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Thanks nnuut. I was being facetious about not being smart enough to do it though. ;)

I may go ahead and start tracking them. I love a good challenge. We are now tracking 53 people and growing each week. Of course we'll probably get a run of "new alias's" going into different L fund allocations just to be smart elics..............:oo

I'm just not sure if tracking them will beneficial to anyone on this site? As says, it sort of defeats the purpose to put money in different L funds and also have your own allocations. If you want to go heavier into stocks, just put your money into the more aggressive L fund no? Just as easy to do it one's self in my opinion.

I am considering putting my contributions into one of the L funds instead of putting it straight into the G fund where it's safe until I move it around. Could be a good idea to pick the fund based on one's time until retirement? This way one can "dollar cost average" in like birchtree suggests yet can get safer the closer they get to retirement. I wonder if TSP adjusts this for you also?

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This spreadsheet is getting really big. Might be an idea to have two tallies one for LFund people and one for GAMBLERS, or just split it up to make it more manageable.? I think it's not that hard to figure out what your allocations should be based on where you are career wise. I'm pretty close to retirement but don't want to sit in the "G" and "F" until retirement!!!! YUCK!!! I really think you need to be active and not just let the market take its course no matter what your returns are. Maybe one day I’ll get it right? :*
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For someone just starting out learning investing, it may be best to do both. Put 50% in the L fund that is best for your situation and "play" with the other 50%. What a person posts here, doesn't actually have to be what they do with their TSP. The 50% you "play" with could be tracked here and once TSP posts the annual return of your L fund, you'll know your total would be 50% of that plus 50% of whatever return you where able to make with your "play" money.

Just suggestions.

Most of us gamblers will get our reward during the big down years. I'll never lose 20% in my account again.........:^
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I think it's important for everyone to posts their allocationsin astraight forward and honest way. Some people base their allocations solely on what others on the board do and the returns they get from their strategy. KEEPEM' HONEST!!!:^
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How about that I fund. Guess it wants me to forgive it, but I'm not........:P

I'd guess more than likely it'll be down tomorrow or at the mostflatbecause of the action of the dollar prior to and after 1pm today and yesterday. But then again, the sky is falling right......:shock:
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Need a good day tomorrow. Back at support so it might happen. If we're down, runnnnnnnn..................:shock:
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[sub]Hi this is my first message to yu guys keep up the good work .I feel like where has this been all my career. I have picked up a lot of info over the past week. I have been staying in the F for the last week .Good luck tomorrow.
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Thanks divgolfish, and welcome to the board! This site has helped a lot of people, even if it's just to make one aware of their retirement funds. Even people who have moved on still seem to know what's going on here...........:shock: They owe much to this site although some won't admit it. If nothing else, just for the spreadsheet alone. :P

Good luck to you and your investments. Looks like I'm gonna need some luck today...........:shock:

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I was punching in the numbers for yesterday and just realized something. Both my bull and my bear funds went down yesterday. First time I've seen this........Makes for a confusing situation..................:*
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back at ya, Happy New Year MM and to everyone else!

some of the short term indicators I use seem to suggest that you might get a bounce in the S come Tues but I wouldn't stick around too long for the week

Enjoy the holiday!
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Sure hope we get a bounce. I tried really hard to get a 10% return this year and came a long way in a short time, but alas fell short. Needed that bounce Friday. :( Oh well, I think I finally got this thing figured out for use with TSP so we shall see.

Time to get ready to bring in the New Year!!!

See you all next year,

Congrats on a nice closing Quarter for 2005.

You made several very nice moves. Seems like you are concentrating on the S-fund again. Like you, I'm hoping for a bounce today, signs look good so far.
Thanks FS, that's the plan, to focus on the S fund. Although I may put some in the I fund once in awhile as a hedge.

Made a couple minute adjustments to my system so we'll see if it can continue or not.

Good luck today!

Tekno, I got your PM and I added you. I can't reply because your PM box is full..............

Do you want last years final tracker?

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