mlk_man's account talk

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Get ready for take off! Housing starts up, PPI down more than expected!

Only thing holding us back today is the New York transit strike.................
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Looks like it wants to jump up but it's just not sure. Maybe none of the bulls could get a ride to the market today?

Gonna stick with the S fund for another day.
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Or at least to the North Pole....................:P

Looking at it now, I wish I'd moved over to the I fund for tomorrow. Didn't know if the S was gonna be up before noon or not though. I love my Roth......................
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I'm sure if the transit folks hadn't went on strike today, we'd of made more money. Really nice of them to do it right before Christmas. I could say more but I'm trying to bite my tongue.............
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GM affects mainly the S&P.Small caps and techs had a pretty nice day. They are due. Tomorrow should be another nice one for each. But then didn't hear it from me. :oo
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Looks like small caps will be the winner again today.

Jovarn pointed out that Japan is closed tomorrow so I might re-think my 100% I move. I was hoping Japan would give it a little boost tomorrow.. Let's see what bonds do today then I might cancel my transfer for something else.

Good luck,

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Just made a transfer to 100% G which should be effective at COB Friday. I wonder if TSP is having it's holiday party this evening...............:%
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Just went back to check on the transfer. THis is what I got:

You have an interfund transfer being processed for 12/22/2005 which cannot be changed because the deadline for changing or cancelling it has passed. This transfer is not yet reflected in your account balance.

You have an interfund transfer request pending that should be effective as of 12/23/2005. You may change or cancel this request until 12:00 noon, eastern time that day. (Only one request can be effective each day.)

TSP isn't government so they can have a class action suit filed against them right? :shock:
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I see someone took a little jab at my not tracking the L funds on that other site. Isn't that cute...........;)Nice to know she's still paying attention. :^
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It's not that hard for them to total up the allocations and report that to you. What's the BIG PROBLEMA????? :%:%:%:%:@
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Maybe I don't understand all I need to know about the "L" Funds? I can't seem to find out how often they change the allocations in the different L-Fund levels. I know that the "INITIAL ALLOCATIONS" are listed below. When and if this changes Idon't know. I think at this time we are probably using the initial allocations. If that is true it wouldn't be that hard to calculate. For exampleL2040 G 5 %, F10%,C 42%, S 18%,I 25% if they invested 50% in the L2040 and 50% in the "C" fund it would be

G 5% x .5 = 2.5%

F 10% x .5 = 5%

C 42% x .5 = 21% + 50% for the "C" Fund = 71%

S 18% x .5 = 9%

I 25 x .5 = 12.5%

Total 100%

This can get complicated if they can choose more than one L Fund and Combinations of the other funds.

I think a Good Excel guy can make a spreadsheet that can calculate any combination.
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