mlk_man's account talk

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This may be the breather everyone is waitin fer! It may rebound quickly though or give everyone a chance to jump back in. I don't seeany reason to panic as of yet but feel the move on the oil over $60 is a catalyst aseveryone has their shorts in a bunch over it and to me wall street traders love this excuse.
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Yes, the hedgefunds are short big time, hoping the herd will panic and sell to force prices lower. I think they are trapped - we'll see tomorrow.
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Page 15 is working now..................:^

Yes, I hope it bounces back today but looks like I screwed up AGAIN by putting some in the I fund................:U

Good luck all,

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Pyriel, I stopped posting inDMA'saccount after he asked me to except to respond to his statements to me. He never asked me not to before so what's not fair? :P

What's not fair is you making a simple comment to him about his allocations and him saying you are "blasting" him...................which brings me to a question, are kids under 18 allowed to post here? Stop touching me!!! :l
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mlk_man wrote:
Pyriel, I stopped posting inDMA'saccount after he asked me to except to respond to his statements to me. He never asked me not to before so what's not fair? :P
Oops sorry, I should have said he never told me not to............
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Im jumping out of the i fund today buti am seeing red everywhere. Did you venture there as well? You know you are jinxed with that fund...
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Yes I did and you are absolutely correct! I HATE THE I FUND..............I should of stayed outta stocks till the pullback was over but got a little greedy, still working on that....................:^

Who knows, maybe OPEC will find love in their hearts and drop the price of oil today by $20 a barrel..........................:P
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Tried to get out of stocks yesterday when everything was going green; had hoped to make a few pennies instead of losing 41 cents in C, S and I. Just glad it was limited to 40%;)so only lost what I had gained this week. If we could make IFT later in the day we would level the playing field. What's everyone in today....the G fund?
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I'm half thinking we might actually end up today. With the recent slow down in economic growth data, I'm wondering if investors might take into account that the Fed won't raise rates next week..........................hmmmmm. :?
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Decided to go 100% F this morning. Don't think my little experiment is gonna work today...................:( Should of just stayed in G and got the penny it looks like.

Oh well, good luck

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Very surprised the G fund did notpay out Friday. This means that the G has to pay 2 cents in 4 days in order to pay the .37% for June. We should get the penny today and I assume Thurs. for anybody looking for it. I'll most likely go to G Wed. morning to try and get the penny. The last 4 months it has paid the penny on the last day of the month. Thepast two months the last penny of the month was paid on the 5th day. This month it'll have to paid on the 3rd day, very odd! This is also on the heels of the penny beingpaid out on the 8th, 7th, and 7th days the past 3 times. If this isn't manipulation at work, I don't know what is. It would be interesting to see when and to where those "in the know" do their interfund transfers............

Good luck,

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mlk_man wrote:
Very surprised the G fund did notpay out Friday. This means that the G has to pay 2 cents in 4 days in order to pay the .37% for June. Good luck, M_M
Do we know what's to stop the Fund going down to .36 and more?
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Wonder Woman wrote:
mlk_man wrote:
Very surprised the G fund did notpay out Friday. This means that the G has to pay 2 cents in 4 days in order to pay the .37% for June. Good luck, M_M
Do we know what's to stop the Fund going down to .36 and more?
I guess it could, but it wouldn't be a drastic drop. One of those slowly but surely thingys..............right now it has only paid .18% for the month.
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Hmmmmmm, just did some more research on that G fund. The last half of last year it was paying .38% a month until November. That month it only paid .28%.........:shock:

That means we may only get one more penny this month. I thought that paying after 3 days was weird..............I may wait till Friday now. I think the best you can do is plan on it to pay every 6th or 7th day unless you stay in it all the time, which I'm sure is what TSP would like you to do.

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Well I believe I've figured out this whole G fund and when we get the penny thing. It's not exact and it may beoff about twice a year, but I think it's at close as we can get given the information we have at hand. Of course this may be why this month and last Nov. theG fund paid less than an average month. Perhaps it's the 26 week thing and why we get 2 extra pay checks a yearby being paid bi-weekly.Also, the TSP uses a weighted average yield from about 70 US Treasury securities and I don't know what they all are or how they weight them so I had to use a figure that should get us close.

Numbers, lot's of numbers!!!!!!!!! UGH..............According to my calculations, we'll get the next penny on July 5th. After that it'll be July 11th and then July 19th. Of course, I'll have to wait and see what yields are after this month, but unless we get a major shift, this should be the dates. Guess we'll see...............:^

Good luck,

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Our little pull back may be over, depends on what happens today and futures are pointing up this morning. I'll be looking to jump back in tomorrow if the S fund ends up today.

Good luck,

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