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No, I did not get in. The main reason is that I did not read your post until after 12:00 pm, so I did not get in the same day as you, and I am glad, as the market got killed today (which should be more of a reason for me to get in). I am also trying to see the consistancy of the system (I'm still new). I will run the numbers tonight, which will show a buy. Tell me, do you ever do mid day numbers when you see the market going one direction, let' s say you are close to a buy, and it is heading into the buy range at 11:00 a.m., do you then make a trade effective for the next day? I ask this because sometimes I don't get a look at my computer until after 12:00 noon.
Basically, I'm not in as of right now. If I place the order, it won't be effective until Friday. What do you think?
Also, I understand about not getting in at the bottom or out at the top, no one can consistantly do that. The way to look at it, is lets say go for 2% a month (consistant singles and doubles) and not worry about the home run, then at the end of the year you look back and you are up 24%!! That is what I see in your system and the reason I am so interested. Thanks for your time.