mlk_man's account talk

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I went 100% I fund this morning. All you people going into the I fund today are in deeeeeeeeeeeeeep trouble now....................:nuts:
So far so good this week. Every little bit helps. :D

I want to make 15% by the end of year on the tracker. Not bad for a little over 5 months work.
Dollar dropping like a rock. Guess I should of stayed in the I fund one more day. Oh well.....................:embarrest:
Yepper, I figured the dollar to drop but not this much.......:blink: I'll just hang with the S fund till I get a sell signal, which I hope doesn't occur tonight. The I fund was due to pop up because the S has been kicking it's butt, just never reallly know when it will happen.
I just found out that DirectTV offers satellite TV AND broadband internet service!! Not I really can't wait to retire to the boonies..........:D
I just found out that DirectTV offers satellite TV AND broadband internet service!! Not I really can't wait to retire to the boonies..........:D

Be careful, those freaks will not let me have the service. I live in the boonies and they tell me "the service is not available to you in that area yet"...........It's a freak'n satellite! :nuts: Must be a market thing. I was really disappointed.
Do you have clear views of the south?

Crystal clear. It was not that it couldn't be done. More that they did not offer or want to offer it in this Zip Code. That is what baffled me....make'n money is make'n money. I got money to spend so let me spend it. They said NO!

Go to their site and some where they will ask you to enter the Zip for the area you are in.
Yeah I did that. It says to call a representative to see if it's available. I still have 18.5 months so I figured I'd wait. It'll be my luck that since my property is located about 100 yards from a 30 square mile lake that the signals probably bounce off the water...............:(
Crystal clear. It was not that it couldn't be done. More that they did not offer or want to offer it in this Zip Code. That is what baffled me....make'n money is make'n money. I got money to spend so let me spend it. They said NO!

Go to their site and some where they will ask you to enter the Zip for the area you are in.

Could be a problem with number and size of satellites. If a comsat wants to open up its transmitter to a wide angle, say country-wide coverage, the power density drops, so the signal weakens everywhere. If the beam is tightened up, more signal wherever it is aimed. More satellites, bigger satellites, more power - that's the game in the whole business.

One way to tell would be to play with zipcodes on their site. If whole geographical regions are unsupported, then this lwould likely be the explanation. If the is a random shotgun patter, people all around you getting service but with hits and misses, then I can't see a limitation from the technology.

A few years ago I had Direct TV. Then, when I moved 40 miles, Direct TV said they did not cover that area that I had moved to. It was just down the road, but Direct TV told me they couldn't do there.

They had some sort of an agreement with a company called "Pegasus" , which had a contract to cover rural areas. Pegasus, however, went bankrupt a shortly after that, and then Direct TV came in a picked up the service area. So now I send my check (on-line bill pay, of course) directly to direct tv. Pegasus no longer exists.

perhaps your area is similar.
Show me-

Perhaps you could "rent out a zip code address". When you pay your bills on-line, they don't see a return address, if you know what I mean. :-)

A few years ago I had Direct TV. Then, when I moved 40 miles, Direct TV said they did not cover that area that I had moved to. It was just down the road, but Direct TV told me they couldn't do there.

They had some sort of an agreement with a company called "Pegasus" , which had a contract to cover rural areas. Pegasus, however, went bankrupt a shortly after that, and then Direct TV came in a picked up the service area. So now I send my check (on-line bill pay, of course) directly to direct tv. Pegasus no longer exists.

perhaps your area is similar.

Show me-

Perhaps you could "rent out a zip code address". When you pay your bills on-line, they don't see a return address, if you know what I mean. :-)

I went through the exact same thing a few years ago with Pegasus. Talk about horrible people to deal with. Not surprised they went under. I have thought about renting a zip. Easy to do. I have the same problem with my Cell Phone. I have only one available provider in my Zip........and they are the only one that doesn't give my agency a discount. :mad:
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