Frixxxx, well done. To summarize, the "Middle Class" was oversold and artificially inflated and subsidized with unwarranted borrowing? Maybe the definition of "bubble" is worth as much reflection as "middle class"... Maybe the Middle Class should be understood to be a result of policy, not the object of it or a state to be created, maintained or expanded. Can we tolerate the concept of failure, or is the Middle Class just such an "institution" that "is too big"?
Thanks, SP!
I don't think of middle class as an "institution". It is somebody's classification at the time they want to "justify" their numbers. The real question is how do you fairly apply the outgoing monies based on supply and demand. If you have 10 people in a community and they want a school there, then how is it paid for fairly? How are all services paid for fairly? When does anybody become "tax-exempt"? I remember when I joined the military and someone said that I cost the government "x" amount of dollars but my response was I provide a service as dictated by the U.S. government and the Constitution that formed it. I was not a "burden" as the monies invested in me were on my skills and talents I provided them.
I paid taxes (much to the chagrin of my mother who was beside herself when she found out her tax dollars were taxed again) against my income. But when does a service become an entitlement? When is it perfectly acceptable to pay into something without expectation of receiving all or partial repayment? Based on my previous example of classes, I was never middle class until 2007, 20 years after I joined the service. My parents were poor and they said they were upper lower class - yeah right!
Anyway - I will research more numbers this week to determine if I can find the numbers to people to taxes out there and stand from a better place with my understanding.