Medic72's Account Talk

hitting the river in the am, its still up to high but we are gonna give it a try, take my mind of the markets for a day :)
Since May of 2007 i have been trying to win a hat :( well i have news for everyone this year, That little * is off of my name now again lol.

Game on! (I want a Hat, but ill settle for a t-shirt) :D
woooho after a loooong court battle I finally won custody of my daughter! yeeeha go me go me go me


(sorry a little happy)
woooho after a loooong court battle I finally won custody of my daughter! yeeeha go me go me go me
(sorry a little happy)

Golly, Medic ! - don't apologize for being happy !! :D
Congratulations that the anxieties, meetings, etc are Over !!! - time for her - totally !!!! :)
Good for you! Actually, good for her.

No matter the cost in stress or money, you've both gained something priceless. Now you have the chance to give her a supportive, stable home and teach your child she has value and is always loved and safe.

I'm sure you don't need to be told that, obviously the court recognized that in you as well.

Congratulations from another parent who's been through it.
Congratulations, I'm nearing the end of that battle myself. I'm hoping mine works out as well as yours.

i hope the situation works out well for you brit, but especially hope that it works out well for the kid(s), whichever way that goes. during questioning it is best to answer that you think the best thing is for the child to have two happy, healthy parents, whether or not they are still together. it only works if you mean it though, and are willing to accept and do the best job you can in whatever role you get to play.

when it was all done (and i was broker than broke) i told my attorney that family law had to be the dirtiest business i'd ever seen. then i asked her how she slept at night. she told me she slept very well thank you, on a thick matress stuffed full of money, and she meant it.

we agreed she was a professional at what she did and deserved it. but it is up to you to do the best thing for the children, there is no pay in that, but endless rewards.
I have returned from the ashes of contempt court lol, battle after battle AND SHE KEEPS LOOSING ROFL!

anyway, i have been catching up on the posts again, good to see everything is still pretty much like it was.

I cant wait to get in on some healthcare discussions :)

ima creepin up towards the top 20 woohooo!
Watch out Medic...
I'm right behind you...

Well, maybe not quite right behind you.
Kinda more like 114 spots behind you - but, whose counting:nuts: