Medic72's Account Talk

Why would anyone work 36 hour shifts? Is there sleep involved? I thought that anything over about 12 hours increased the error rate in function.
yeah we usually do 24 hour shifts, and can sleep when not busy, i took a 12 hour overtime shift after my normal one ;( long long 36 hours.

we can average 1-20 calls in a 24 hour period so it all just depends on the stupidity of the people day to day :)
I've searched and searched and can't figure out what or who the "Cooler" is... :confused:

A PM will be fine. :nuts:
The "Cooler" usually works for a casino and is known to have the world's worst luck. So when a customer gets a hot run the floor boss puts out a call for the "Cooler" to come and stand next to the hot customer so his luck will change. There are now several independent "Cooler" types for hire. Have Cooler-Will Travel. Pun intended. Several of our members have already had the experience of association with a "Cooler".
as i said earlier, it takes some pain to keep ya straight sometimes but WOW today was painful, but if i look back at how much ive made since 666 on the spx i can take it :). cyall tommorow and ill be hoping it brings green numbers haha.