Mayday's Account Talk

The dollar is a very small portion of the I Fund price. How many Irish banks are still on the brink of failure and indexed through the I Fund? Everyone is talking about Dubai yet they are small fries compared to a Barclay's or AIB. The EU is still trying to handle aftershocks from 2008 in BCS and AIB. But, I guess that's why the fine print is at the bottom of every investment. There's always that inherent risk.

The spike in the dollar today seems to be keeping the I fund under wraps, while C & S are sporting %0.5 gains. But it's just one day.
Whew, for a minute there I thought you were posting a Tiger Woods story. Yes, the dollar is now going to go up and the market will rally too. I can finally maybe get a deal on a Japanese car in a few months.
Whew, for a minute there I thought you were posting a Tiger Woods story. Yes, the dollar is now going to go up and the market will rally too. I can finally maybe get a deal on a Japanese car in a few months.

Hey big guy; What ya wanna buy?
Perhaps an Acura RL in black cherry - something the wife can look good wearing. That way I'll get her Acura TL as a hand me down. I've washed, polished and waxed it enough to have an intimate relationship.
Perhaps an Acura RL in black cherry - something the wife can look good wearing. That way I'll get her Acura TL as a hand me down. I've washed, polished and waxed it enough to have an intimate relationship.

I like the new Infiniti G37 convertible myself.
Yeah, you're expecting a hot chick, but you usually get some mid-life crisis guy in a polo shirt with Rayban Aviators and a bald head. Hey look, kind of like Blankenfein!
Yeah, you're expecting a hot chick, but you usually get some mid-life crisis guy in a polo shirt with Rayban Aviators and a bald head. Hey look, kind of like Blankenfein!

I saw a good bumper sticker the other day. ( I use to be cool ) :D
I was at Quest about a month ago to get a blood draw as part of my yearly physical. When I got out of my car an Infinity G37 convertible pulled up, a beautiful white one and parked right next to me. And it was a dark haired hispanic babe with gator girl on her tag that stepped out. She was weraing flip flops, a halter top and slim skirt. When I went inside there were four EMT firefighter types sitting in there. I sat down next to them and asked the black lieutenant if that was their buggy parked out front - he laughed and another responded - you mean the big red one. They had driven the fire truck.
I just looked up my TSP account balance, and looked at the bottom of the page.

It said my (PIP) Personal Investment Performance ending 11/30/2009 was 68.51%

I knew I was doing good but not that good.

I was blown away everybody should look up what % you achieved this year.

You might be surprised.:)