Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Rarified Air For Stocks
The market got whacked when it poked its little head out of the ceiling Wednesday. The 20-odd-point selloff in the S&P 500s startled the complacent bulls out of their fantasy about the economy's recovery. The truth of the matter is that a recovery in stock prices and earnings is definitely not a recovery in the real economy. The Obama Administration would love for everyone to simply take the Dow Jones as the barometer to watch for the economic recovery, but the truth of the matter is that this is not only a job-less recovery, it's a continuing job-loss recovery as jobs continue to get whacked in the face of corporate profits coming off the floor.
One of the problems with the recovery is that Obama has barely pushed any of the $787 Billion in stimulus money into the economy yet. Even if $787 Billion were enough to restart the economic engine (it's not---we need at least a trillion dollars more and directed at Main Street instead of Wall Street), less than 20% has actually gone into the real economy (there's no telling how much of the stimulus money from the bank bailout has gone into the stock market, though). The profits corporations have been reporting have been due to layoffs cutting their costs, not increasing revenue numbers (those have been falling). This economy isn't in recovery, it's simply playing one on television.
Obama is losing support from almost every group which supported him in last year's election. Some say racism is the reason, but that doesn't explain it at all (why would a racist have voted for Obama and then changed her mind after Obama spent a few months in office?). No, Obama is showing himself to be a very poor President and the public is just beginning to realize that while he talks a great game (we agree with almost everything he says, by the way), he simply doesn't follow through with action. In fact, so far, he reminds us of Jimmy Carter, who is a wonderful person, but was a truly horrid President.
And, considering how much time Obama spends on television, we'd have to say he plays being President on TV a lot better than he does in real life.