Mayday's Account Talk

Nnuut, I've tried twice now to post moving mages, like that moving eye. Also movies, a .wmv into posts (even tried to ".zip" the .wmv) - failled both times. Best I could do was post a .gif that was only a simple attached file.
HOW do you do those! :)

PS And also, how do they get those movies inserted into posts (ones with the "Play Button" in the middle)?

PPS Mayday, [Just some friendly words of wisdom (take 'em as you think appropriate)] Often if it feels too good - its usually not.
Also, its what happens, after noon, that counts.;)
Hessian those won't work, use animated gifs, they work fine. They can't be over a certain size, but it will tell you if its too big. Just save it to your hard drive and go to Manage Attachments, browse, upload the gif. Close manage attachments click on the paperclip and select the animation. Should work like a charm.:D
The movies are YouTube videos, I've never inserted one in a post but you can link to a YouTube page and it works. I guess it's time for me to learn how, I'll let you know when I have time.
Looks like the big boys are just strengthening their positions. Large Caps are the darling in this rally. I'll wait until I see a direction to move.
Copy the youtube link last bit of numbers to the right of the last = sign and then paste them into the youtube brackets

click on this

Yeah, thats it.
Thanks fer the help Mayday!!:D
I've got my finger on the button C fund all the way tomorrow 13000 on dow held BARELY. Or should I say BEARLY.