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Spaf wrote:
Market Trading..................................................The Best Trader is U!
If you want to be a trader, make money, You need to take charge of your funds. If you are making money your strategy is working. If you are losing money You need a new strategy!
Stop following these other folks!!!!!!
Will do!
You got to make your own path. Listen to what other say and check it out! If it suits you fine! Other wise shuck it.
YOU GOTTA FOLLOW YOURSELF! Best trader there is, just gotta get U there.
Rule 1 = Capital preservation. Transfer to 100% G immediately! If you are unsure, or lossing money.
Sorry, I don't have the heart to do this. I am staying 50/50. I'm taking my clues from Ted Aronson, O'Neil, Bernstein and past hints from current members: rokid and coolhand (not to say there weren't others also) and 2 dozen more theorists on asset allocation and diversification. After I earn back a good portion of my losses I will increase my equity allocation.
Assignment No 1. Monday May 30 2005
Go to
download and print The Dow Theory (All 4 Parts). DONE
Assignment No 2.
In the binder on the lined paper, one per month. Make vertical lines for Dates, DJIA, NASD, S&P500, then the TSP funds G, F, C, S, I. and a section to the right titled Remarks. You can start for June. Set up all the days on the left, skip Sat/Sun. Use a horizontal line to divide weeks. Start tracking the closing prices of the market and thr TSP funds.
I currently copy on a daily basis the G,F,C,S,F Fund returns since I joined TspTalk. I documented all your suggested bookmarks. There's one more I'm going to use to learn the charting stuff:[url][/url] I am also using your suggested TSPMoney site:
Assignment No 3.
Go to and purchase Trading for Dummies by Michel Griffis and Lita Epstein. $16.49 new 14.00 used. Your option, but for +2.49 I'd get the new one. Have it sent ASAP.
Well, I currently have the following in my library so I'm going to pass on that one:
The Four Pillars of Investing by Bernstein
The Intelligent Asset Allocator by Bernstein
Only Guide To Winning Investment Strategy You'll Ever Need by Larry E. Swedroe
All about Index Funds by Richard A. Ferri
The Bond Book by Annette Thau
Stock Market Profits by R. W. Schabacker
Bogle on Mutual Funds
Japanese Candlestick Charting by Steve Nison
Applying Elliott Wave Theory Profitably by Steven W. Poser
Point and Figure Charting by Dorsey, Thomas J.
Assignment No 4.
Read the book, highlighting and underling important items, suggest yellow highlighter and a red ball point. Make notes in the margins and on pages in the binder for each part and chapter. You should have a mini trading book when U get through for your binder, and the trading book for reference.
Will get going reading what I already have.
Stay in touch. Keep me posted on UR progress!
DOING presently
Now lets get going! The stock market is advancing. We ain't gonna lose no more money!!!!!!!!!!
I've made $2K in the last 2 wks while on my own.
Spaf e-mail: Start studying!
Thank you so much for your help and your inspiration that is not only going to help me but many, many others. Keep it up.