Market Talk

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800 short :D

I like to gambler for 1 day
and go stock for only tuesdays
most of the time rates hikes is up
that day is green:?
after 3 days down 1 day has to be up .
And the rest of the week down

But that is fishing & risky dont know yet

:Dsell sell sell ,short short short :D
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:) Love the smell of bulls getting nervous.

Sell off started a little early today- sorry for the inconvience this may of caused you.

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U fighting hard there DMA....good info tho.......didn't realize we were shutting down embassies in Saudi.....and're seeing the first of a crush coming....

I wonder if we will still be buying Saudi oil in a couple of years....??

Market really isn't doing much this morning...would have expected some rebound then a fall....guess we will see how much of a fall we will get this week and then over then next month to month and a half....

Wish we were at a bottom and going the other way......ya'll check your seatbelts....

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Rate hikes + oil going into the mid 60s should kick it all the way down to 1200ish. That's the point where I'd consider moving something into the C.

I think I went into the I fund a day or two early - but Ibelieve it is the only equity fund that has any shot of making money in the very short term. The S fund is getting killed. :shock:

If I don't see some major improvement in my performance in the next month or so, I'll just have to settle on the laissez faire approach and stop messing around (I may just end up doing it anyway, since other... *ahem* interests are competing for my time). :P
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The Technician wrote:
U fighting hard there DMA....good info tho.......didn't realize we were shutting down embassies in Saudi.....and're seeing the first of a crush coming....

I wonder if we will still be buying Saudi oil in a couple of years....??

Market really isn't doing much this morning...would have expected some rebound then a fall....guess we will see how much of a fall we will get this week and then over then next month to month and a half....

Wish we were at a bottom and going the other way......ya'll check your seatbelts....

I cha ching out of DPH about 14% down in Milky's account. The bankrucpy thing went through and the buy on dippers came in. I was all ready out of it by then.

If you are short a stock that is talking bankrucpy - be careful.

I pushed it as far as I could - which happened to be the low of the day. :shock:

Practice does make perfect.

What a call. Morning rally then sell off. I am matrixed in, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The Kingdom of TSP

Daily Edition

Market News, Doodles, Tea Leaves & Yak Date August 8, 2005, Closing

Market News.

Kingdom Talk: Vestors scattered! Krude in rampage!

Elsewhere: Rats to yak in clan meeting, tomorrow.

Doodles and Tea Leaves - Daily.

S&P 500 (Index)
Closed at 1223.13, dn -3.29
CMF (money flow) at 0.016, dn
RSI (strength) at 48.5, dn
MACD (trend) bearish
Slow STO (signal) bearish
ROC (change) at -0.32 slightly up

Light Crude (NYM)
Closed at 63.94, up +1.63 Ouch!

Tea Leaves:Yellow - Red: FOMC, Oil, indicators, and alert stop broken.


Remarks: Holding 100/0
S&P Stops: Alert=1233 [broken], Trail=1221
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Cover DPH and went long. Now out.

Rest of my positions will be covered or sold tomorrow at around 3pm.

:) Thank you for the concern. I think I got a handle on it. :shock:

Never know. I have stop loss in .5% down or up from here to lock in my "hard work". :D

To have a good vacation better not to have chips on the table to worry about.
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The UN is considering sanctions against Iran for its nuclear power program.

I'm sure such a development will lead to lower oil prices ... lol.

I saw a graph earlier showing the rise in oil prices. If it keeps that up demand will be curtailed.

See, the higher oil prices are helping the Fed and keeping the economy from excessive growth; both are acting as a drag on economic growth.

But high oil prices and the Fed's goal of interest rates that are neither high or low will begin to pinch ARM mortgage holders. A hard lesson for those who are over extended.
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Not to mention interest-only loan holders. This will take time to unfold.

In the meantime I believe the housing market has seen its peak. As the yield on the10yr note begins to ascend it will help drive real estate speculators (it is estimated that speculation nationwide is around 14-15%) out of real estate and into the stock market. Same holds true for bond holders. Expect some volatility, but there is still lots of money to be made in the months ahead.

History does repeat itself. :cool:
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200B interest only loans readjust this month.

I am guessing - up. LOL :shock::P

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Contrary indictor. Teknochump was saying last wednesday I was being doom and gloom about the housing market.

Three days later 10 year has spiked and Residence REITS have lost on average 9% - as a group.

Keep him on this board and keep him talking. Then do the opposite.

Go into the F Fund two weeks ago :shock:.

Now F fund is at nearly April levels. :s

Yet, he still bashes me. Like how wrong can you be???? He is Teknocramer.
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Just looking I would bet up in the near future...
The markets were up until oil took off. It needs a rest
as oil is over extended ...

9:02a EDT August 8, 2005

The economy is on the cusp of a significant acceleration, and we will be boosting our GDP and interest rate estimates shortly. The news flow out of the factory sector is improving sharply, with another big rise in the ISM index and a gradual improvement in inventory, orders, and shipments trends. Personal consumption is on track for a blockbuster quarter. Although retail same-store sales for July came in a bit light versus expectations, this disappointment was outweighed by a huge increase in light-weight motor vehicle sales to 20.9 million (annualized), the third-highest level ever. The July employment report was similarly solid. The 207,000 payroll gain was broad-based and came on top of upward revisions. Moreover, the household survey continues to point to very significant employment gains, and wage growth picked up as well.

Searching for a good measure of hiring
9:54a EDT August 5, 2005
We expect the July employment report to show an additional 225,000 nonfarm payroll jobs, an increase of 0.3% in average hourly earnings, and no change in the 5.0% unemployment rate. Our forecast is significantly above the consensus, although we recognize the arguments for a less bullish outlook. The lack of good real-time indicators of hiring creates most of the ambiguity in forecasts at this point in the business cycle. One emerging indicator with promise is the monthly Monster Employment Index of on-line job advertising. Barring a sharp downside surprise, we think this employment report will not be especially meaningful for the economic outlook. Growth clearly is accelerating and will likely result in hiring at or above the average pace so far in 2005, if not in July, then later in the year.

The industrial upturn - it's not just autos
9:25a EDT August 4, 2005
The industrial sector clearly has turned up. Orders have climbed over the past two months, production is up, and the Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing survey has posted hefty increases each of the past two months. But how broad-based is the upturn? Some commentators have suggested that it is mostly a byproduct of strong auto industry performance in recent months - performance which is unlikely to be sustainable as the boost from summer promotions wanes. We are more confident about the prospects for a sustained upturn. The inventory correction has not been confined to the auto sector and capital goods orders are up sharply. Furthermore, the construction of the ISM survey suggests that recent increases are more broad-based.

The bank lending surge: a sign of stronger capital spending?
9:24a EDT August 3, 2005
Commercial and industrial bank loan growth has accelerated to 12.3% year on year, the fastest pace since 1998 and a remarkable turnaround from the contraction seen in the 2001-04 period. While some of the lending acceleration is due to increased M&A activity and somewhat slower profit growth, the lion's share seems to be due to other factors. The most plausible explanation for the acceleration is rising capital spending. In particular, spending by small firms may be stronger than officially measured. These firms rely heavily on bank finance and are underrepresented in the preliminary capital goods shipments data that underlie the most recent official observations on capital spending.

Real GDP report consistent with stronger growth, higher interest rates
8:28a EDT August 2, 2005
Friday's GDP report was important in two respects. First, the inventory cycle was deeper and final demand was stronger than expected. This outcome implies faster growth over the next four quarters. Second, the trade-off between growth and inflation has worsened. The average real annualized GDP growth pace during the expansion was revised downward by 0.3 percentage points. Meanwhile, the core PCE deflator now shows bigger gains over the past year. The report is consistent with a significant slowing in the productivity growth trend. The combination means that it is now more likely that the unemployment rate will continue to decline over the next few quarters. This will put pressure on Fed officials to keep tightening monetary policy. The monetary authorities may find that they need to make monetary policy tight.
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DMA wrote:
Contrary indictor. Teknochump was saying last wednesday I was being doom and gloom about the housing market.

Three days later 10 year has spiked and Residence REITS have lost on average 9% - as a group.

Keep him on this board and keep him talking. Then do the opposite.

Go into the F Fund two weeks ago :shock:.

Now F fund is at nearly April levels. :s

Yet, he still bashes me. Like how wrong can you be???? He is Teknocramer.
AOL key word "idiot" remember that when I said she is going to dive?

:^ He is saying "melt up time" and is sitting in the G fund.

:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock: Teknogump.