Market Talk


Honorary Hall of Fame Member
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The Kingdom of TSP


Early Edition


Market News, Doodles, Tea Leaves, & Yak Date: July 31, 2005

Market News.

Kingdom Talk: July S&P had the largest gains this year: 3.6%. Horsemen are back with a conflict. It's Krude again! While we have good economic growth and good earnings we are struggling against energy, again. However, this is a struggle that is well over a year old. Except for the 2004 summer bear period the market has shown some resistance to the drag of energy.

Other News: ->


Doodles, and Tea Leaves - Weekly.

S&P 500 (Index)
Closed at 1234.18, up +0.50 for the week.
CMF (money flow) at +0.188, up +0.088
RSI (strength) at 59.0, dn -04.2
MACD (trend) at 9.32, up +0.31, close to crossover.

Nymex (Crude oil)
Closed at 60.57, up +1.92 for the week.

Attachment/Insert: S&P (3mo.) chart ending 07-29-05, with 20dMA, and Slow Stochastics chart and Rate Of Change chart. See: http://www.incrediblecharts.comfor definitions and how to best use these charts.

Tea leaves: Yellow (caution) oil in critical range.


Remarks: Holding 100/0
Sentiment: bullish (moderate).
S&P Stops: Alert = 1232, Trailing = 1220.
*Oil Markers: <55 = Ok, 55-60 = Worry, >60 = Critical.
Weekly TSP Returns: G = +.01, F = -.01, C = +.01, S = +.11, and I = +.18.

:XBad, oil. :)Good, I-fund

[*Note: Pls advise if oil markers should be re-adjusted.]



Rgds, and be careful! :) Spaf
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I did my monthly talk with my brother. He had some info I thought some of you might want to check out. (He invest for long periods of time and does not move around much. He checks once every three months to see how he is doing.) With that said.

He had no Idea about CAFTA. However, he had put money into a Latin American fund. That fund for him is up 15%. Perhaps with CAFTA it may not be a bad idea to look at some fund in that area. (Yes, I know CAFTA is bad thing for us. However, were stuck with it. So make the bestof it perhaps.) Just something to think about.
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From Fibtimer for this week:

[align=left]For Sunday, July 31, 2005 [/align]



Current Strategy Positions
FibTimer currently has 11 successful timing strategies

Aggressive S&P Position - BULLISH[/b]
Aggressive Nasdaq Position - BULLISH
Aggressive GOLD Position - BULLISH [/b]
Aggressive BOND Position - BEARISH
Aggress. SMALLCAP Position - BULLISH[/b]
Conservative S&P Position - BULLISH[/b]
Conservative REIT Position - BULLISH[/b]
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Long term still looks up, But the system gave a weak sell signal with a 47 rating I like higher rating to make a trade so will watch for a confirming signal...
40c 60s for now... see pic below.
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Welcome to Low Returns

Interview with Martin Barnes, Economist, BCA Research

A LOW-INFLATION, LOW-RETURN WORLD sounds rather dull to us, but to the highly regarded economist at Montreal's BCA Research, these are "strange" and "fascinating" times. Strange, because despite so many inflationary pressures, the good times continue, according to Martin Barnes, who is also the managing editor of the equally acclaimed Bank Credit Analyst report on investing and business trends. Fascinating, because it seems the economy can keep moving at a decent clip for the foreseeable future. As for low returns, get used to it. We'll let him explain.

Barron's: How big a deal is the revaluation of the Chinese currency?
Barnes: It wasn't a big move and we weren't expecting a big move. We've been in the camp that, from an economic perspective, it doesn't make any sense for China to revalue. They've got very low inflation and, if anything, a bit of a deflation problem in some sectors. In that environment, you don't want a strong currency, you want a weak currency. But, of course, with all the protectionist pressures building up in the U.S., they had to do something. They were backed into a corner.
We thought they'd do as little as possible just to get the U.S. off their back and to try to minimize the impact on their economy. That's just what they've done. A 2% move is enough for the U.S. as a good start, and it holds out hope they will do more down the road. They won't be in any hurry to do anything else for quite some time, so the economic impact of it is not going to be much at all, but it was a big, important political gesture.

Do you think the Unocal bid by CNOOC had anything to do with it?
That, too, was tied up with this protectionist movement in the United States, against China in particular. I don't think this is going to clear the way for that takeover, but the opposition was sending a strong message to China that they needed to do something to show they were prepared to try and help reduce the huge trade imbalance.

Is this a wake-up call to those who thought China would continue to invest in U.S. Treasuries?
I'm not sure it changes that story a whole lot. The key issue here, and the Federal Reserve has bought into this view, is that there is tremendous excess savings globally, not just in Asia but in OPEC countries as well, at a time when there is weak demand for credit in most countries. That savings was going to find its way into the bond market, and that doesn't change a whole lot with the Chinese revaluation.
To the extent people are now thinking this is the first of many moves to revalue China's currency, you could see some speculative capital inflows moving into China on the back of expectations the currency is going to move up. If that is the case, and China needs to neutralize the effect of that, they will continue buying bonds. But it doesn't have to be U.S. bonds; it could be European bonds or other kinds of bonds. But to the extent that there are speculative inflows into China, China will have to keep recycling that money. The story of global money available to keep bond yields down isn't about to change anytime soon.

For Barnes, the biggest imbalance is the current-account deficit, which "can be sustained for years."

You have referred to the current economic climate as strange. Did it just get stranger?
We have a situation where the near-term picture looks not bad at all. There are more people talking about a Goldilocks economy, though there are way too many issues out there such as housing bubbles and financial imbalances for me to use the term Goldilocks. But near term, we are going to have a decent economy. We've got low inflation. We've still got relatively low long-term interest rates, and the stock market is doing well.
These conditions could well persist for yet another year. In another year's time we will still be worrying about these imbalances, which will be even bigger. Eventually, the long term does become the short term. But as long as Asia is going to recycle its money back into the U.S., then this situation can persist.

And the unsustainable is further sustained.
The current account is the big imbalance out there, and that is the one most people talk about in terms of being unsustainable but which can be sustained for years. As long as people are prepared to buy dollars for whatever motive or reason, then this situation goes on. OPEC, Asia central banks and, more recently, private investors have been willing buyers of dollars, and so the show goes on.
The current account now is running at almost an $800 billion annual rate, or 6.4% of gross domestic product. It's in new territory for the U.S., at least.

How sustainable is the strength in the dollar?
It's sustainable for as long as the Fed is tightening and the U.S. economy is perceived to be strong. The next leg down will come when people revise their expectations about the economy. That will be when the Fed stops raising rates and we see interest spreads look less dollar-friendly.
That might not be until next year, though, so the dollar should have a relatively firm year this year, barring some unexpected shock. I do see this as a countertrend move within a longer-term downtrend. I'm conventional enough that I believe there can't be a trade deficit of this magnitude without having a cheap currency at the end of the day. Although the dollar has fallen a lot, it has still not fallen enough to have any meaningful impact.
And currency moves can't do it alone. A weaker dollar has to be only part of the story. The real adjustment to the U.S. current account has to come from narrowing the growth rate and from the absence of boom times in the rest of the world, which I don't really see. We are going to have to crunch U.S. demand, and savings are going to have to be rebuilt, and that is going to be very, very painful, but it could be years away.
Down the road, there is a U.S. consumer recession lurking and a big housing downturn. It could be five years down the road. The world does not move to a precise rhythm, but it is interesting how well the four-to-five-year cycle has worked the last few decades. If we continue with that pattern, you would expect another recession in 2009-10.

Doesn't a slowdown in money-supply growth foreshadow trouble brewing in the economy?
Some people have assumed the very weak money growth points to a sharp slowdown in the economy. But money is not as tight as it seems. There was so much liquidity created in previous years that there is still a large monetary overhang.
Bank lending is growing at double-digit rates. House prices are through the roof. There is money available for deals. None of these trends are consistent with tight money. Money policy is not yet restrictive. The monetary overhang will eventually disappear as the Fed continues to raise rates.

What's your view on oil?
We haven't been very successful in forecasting it going to $60. We've been structurally bullish on oil for some time, but that was when oil was $30 a barrel and we thought, gee, it could go to $40-$45 in a couple years. It has gone far beyond what we expected.
The bullish case for oil is very compelling. We all understand China's demand going through the roof. Chinese demand for gasoline, for example, rose 35% in the three years to 2004. That's huge. And auto sales in China continue to rise. But, at the same time, I believe the price mechanism works, and as prices rise it brings on more supply and, at the margin, it squeezes demand in some areas. I take the view there is a huge speculative premium in oil at these levels -- maybe it is $15 -- so oil will come back down again by quite a lot, potentially.
Even oil at the $40 to $45 level is quite a high price compared to what people might have expected a few years ago. It is a high enough price that oil companies would still make a lot of money. It will still make energy a good sector to invest in. It is certainly one of our favorite sectors from a long-term structural point of view.

Is there any sense it has dampened consumer spending?
Not directly, because consumer spending has held up very well. That takes us into one of the other big stories here, which, of course, is housing and low interest rates. With one hand, rising oil bills takes away from people's pockets, but an even bigger amount is given back to them in terms of housing wealth.
When you look at the overall picture for consumers, they've got higher oil bills, but employment is rising -- not as fast as we would like, but it is rising; wages are rising -- perhaps not as fast as we would like, but they are rising; so incomes are growing, and you are giving homeowners huge wealth gains. Add it together, and consumers are better off. It is hard to detect, therefore, any real pain from oil. Also, it helps to put it into perspective.
The average family drives around 12,000 miles or so a year, and the average car does 20 miles to the gallon. Let's say a household uses 600 gallons a year. If the price of gasoline goes up a dollar, it's $600 a year extra for their gasoline bill. I don't want to diminish the impact of that on low-income families, but for your average consumer, it is not crippling, especially if their home is going up by tens of thousands potentially. Housing has clearly been a huge, huge support to the consumer sector.

So you don't see any major cracks at the moment in the consumer story?
I don't. The savings rate is obviously extraordinarily low at 1%. But at the same time, the increase in home equity last year was worth 16% of income. A lot of consumers would probably think of their savings in terms of the change in their net worth as very, very high. So the question is: Will that savings that comes from rising asset prices evaporate just as quickly as it went up? That leads to questions such as when the housing bubble is going to burst, and whether house prices are going to come crashing down.
The answer is not anytime soon, it seems -- although there are some signs that gravity is taking hold in some markets.
There is an arbitrage between owning and renting, and the data that compare the costs of buying a median-priced home to the average rent of an apartment have changed dramatically. It is so much cheaper to rent now than to own.
That doesn't affect necessarily somebody who is buying a home to live in, but it should affect those making a decision about buying a house for investment purposes.

What's your view on inflation?
Inflation is going to be low for the foreseeable future. The global savings-investment backdrop is going to be in place for some time, and that's not going to push up yields.
There would be an issue if people lost confidence in the long run or started demanding higher risk premiums for investing in long-term securities.

Why do you see inflation staying low?
Yeah, we've had the almost perfect conditions for inflation in the last few years.
The Fed has run a very stimulative monetary policy. We have run big budget deficits. We have driven the dollar down. To top it off, oil prices are up. We've had the perfect inflationary mix, and yet we haven't really had any inflation despite that.
If you look around the world, there is no evidence of inflation at all. China is perhaps the best place to prove it. Here is a country that has been growing at 9% to 10% and effectively adopted U.S. monetary policy by pegging its currency to the dollar. Yet there is no inflation in China at all. In fact, there is deflation, and that tells you there is something very powerful going on there in terms of a supply-side boom.
In the U.S., there are tough competitive conditions. And the Internet and technology in general is still a very powerful force for disinflation. There are pockets of inflation, but the overall picture isn't all that bad. The Fed's view is there is still a problem. They are worried about labor costs going up. But a lot of the inflation indicators we look at are rolling over. Producer prices are easing.
If the economy was to continue growing really strongly here, at a 4% clip for the next year, of course, there would be pressures on resources and the unemployment rate would fall and wages would go up.
But that's not likely. The economy is going to do OK -- but I don't see it growing much above trend over the next year.

Would you expect to see capital expenditures stronger than they have been?
The corporate sector is still in a post-bubble world after the information-technology boom. The Enron and WorldCom scandals have also shaken up the corporate world.
Corporate executives are worried also about housing bubbles and trade deficits and protectionism. It is not an environment where companies feel that they want to be great heroes and strongly expansionist.
They are investing to become more efficient, but not expanding capacity in a big way. They could have invested more strongly, given how healthy cash flows have been, but they've been focusing more on repairing balance sheets and getting their financial house in order, taking the view that the markets are rewarding them more for stronger finances than they would for being expansionist.
That attitude might change gradually the longer the economy stays OK. Then the problem becomes slowing profit growth. It is hard to make the case for capital-spending growth to accelerate. It is probably going to weaken a bit. You end up with a decent economy, but it is not going to be growing at an inflationary pace, in my view.

Are stocks more appealing to you then bonds?
Bonds look pretty anchored at these levels. They are going to fluctuate, but we don't see a risk of a sustained rise in yields. Stocks in this world look like pretty good values at this level of interest rates.
But you have got the Fed still raising rates. You've got peak earnings and peak profit margins. Maybe stocks should be cheap in this kind of world. It is a risky world with a lot of issues out there, and you would expect the risk premium should be high. So stocks will outperform bonds over the next few years by grinding higher.
But all of this is against a backdrop of a low-return world. A world of low inflation, say 2% inflation or thereabouts, is not conducive to great returns for financial assets. Stocks may get 5% or 6%, and bonds get 4%, and cash will get 3% returns. Those are the returns I see in the next decade, on average. Of course, there will be cycles around that. A balanced portfolio could get 5%, maybe -- a portfolio of 60% stocks, 30% bonds and 10% cash could give you those kind of numbers, on average.
It is not the end of the world, but it is nothing like what people got used to in the last 20 years. The journey toward low inflation from high inflation gave us the great returns, and now that we are at the destination, it is not half as much fun.

What sectors will deliver the best returns?
The emerging markets look pretty good to us, although it is not an undiscovered story. But they are still generally small, and they are going to get bigger as more money flows into them, and they are relatively good value so we would certainly have a long-term position there.
The energy sector is compelling. Health care will be a defensive sector and there is a demographic case to be made there, as well.
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tekno wrote:
it bothers me having so many bullish types out there
Once you go long and turn bullish, you must convince all the bears to join the party.

It seems to be working, not many sellers these days.:cool: The good data just keepsrolling in............. The jobs number could be a mover this week.........
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Well robo!

When we use to raise chickens and eggs, and the eggs got short. We would march all the chickens in front of the "Frige". and explain to them that it was going to be eggs or chicken! The same thing was done down at the bull farm!

Same difference! Rgds, and be careful! :D Spaf
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smine wrote:
From Fibtimer for this week:
For Sunday, July 31, 2005


Current Strategy Positions
FibTimer currently has 11 successful timing strategies

Aggressive S&P Position - BULLISH
Aggressive Nasdaq Position - BULLISH
Aggressive GOLD Position - BULLISH
Aggressive BOND Position - BEARISH
Aggress. SMALLCAP Position - BULLISH
Conservative S&P Position - BULLISH
Conservative REIT Position - BULLISH
thanks Smine for your post. How much is a membership there?
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crude's king passes:(

expect folks and markets2 freak out till the chaff settles....the big ? is wiil we have the same status quo in the kingdom or a more islamic fundamentalist greed driven nut job take over.

futures are all pumped up by the

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teknobucks wrote:
it bothers me having so many bullish types out there.....:?

may be time to duck and hide in the g for a couple of weeks:shock:
Now Tekx$'s....that's a quick reversal.......:shock:

I wasn't around the markets Friday....but I see it dropped....looks overbought....Accumulation on the S&P hasn't continued its upward slope since its break in June....its been struggling to keep level while the index is going up, but I think this one fact is sending the market a definite out below!!!!:shock:....I personally can't make a firm decision if Sept-Oct or Dec will be the final breakdown....looks like it will be a late decision .....:*

A few weeks back I projected that around Aug 1st I'd expect a market break........looks to be a possibility......I wonder though how low it may break.......after that I'd expect somewhat of a rebound, then we get into Sept-Oct timeframe.....

G fund paid on 28th.....I got lucky to guess it right this time.....I'll post on G Fund thread the next predicted date, maybe MM or I will get it right looks like the Yield curve has comeback down to the straight line average from a recent spurge over that line (hump)....we could be getting some pretty balanced dates for several iterations....:^

I'm looking for any reason the market will be breaking down....anybody got any ideas....besides the ones we already know of course........

The Technician:dude:
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The Technician wrote:
teknobucks wrote:
it bothers me having so many bullish types out there.....:?

may be time to duck and hide in the g for a couple of weeks:shock:
Now Tekx$'s....that's a quick reversal.......:shock:

I wasn't around the markets Friday....but I see it dropped....looks overbought....Accumulation on the S&P hasn't continued its upward slope since its break in June....its been struggling to keep level while the index is going up, but I think this one fact is sending the market a definite out below!!!!:shock:....I personally can't make a firm decision if Sept-Oct or Dec will be the final breakdown....looks like it will be a late decision .....:*

A few weeks back I projected that around Aug 1st I'd expect a market break........looks to be a possibility......I wonder though how low it may break.......after that I'd expect somewhat of a rebound, then we get into Sept-Oct timeframe.....

G fund paid on 28th.....I got lucky to guess it right this time.....I'll post on G Fund thread the next predicted date, maybe MM or I will get it right looks like the Yield curve has comeback down to the straight line average from a recent spurge over that line (hump)....we could be getting some pretty balanced dates for several iterations....:^

I'm looking for any reason the market will be breaking down....anybody got any ideas....besides the ones we already know of course........

The Technician:dude:
the shear uncertainy of oil is the biggey now...we may howeversee a buying opp by midweek in stox

what's with these banksters jumping out of windows....

in europe father of euro dead.....
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Considering the situation....

If the market breaks there will be expectations that there are investors on the sideline waiting for a break....this is a well known fact by the market players and look for it to be manipulated.....meaning, patience is key on our next sure that the bottom is firmed in before jumping in for a shorter term riser.....

I just took a look at some data that suggests the extreme hit will go at least to 1185....if we break here (1233 is a short short support line), I will be looking for most of Aug to be poor....

Given fuel costs, higher interest rates, and so on with higher business costs...terrorism........I'm Cautious as usual....

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Tom said in his comments today:
"Call me stubborn. Call me crazy (and many of you did
), I continue to trust my indicators which still suggest the indices are due for a rest. The indicators try to give me an indication of what is coming next. The market can really only tell us one thing, what has already happened, although you can certainly read more into the charts than that. But rearview mirror analysis is usually not a great strategy. It's what's next that matters."

I admit that I'm still learning much about the stock market and still have much to learn, but I cannot understand how someone can be 100% in the G fund since June 15, and not once find areason to invest maybe just a small amount in one of theother funds that have been in an upward trend?Last year you talked about how the market is like a freight train and once it starts going in a certain direction it takes awhile for it to turn around and go the other direction. You talked about short term pull-backsand candle-sticks indicating a possible bottom. I see some of those on yourSP500 chart, but you did not see that as a possible entry point.Indicators are suppose to help takethe emotion out of investing in the market. But is being stubbornan emotion? Everyone is responible for their own investments, that's the biggest thing that I have learned following others at this site.Let me add that I have not been in the G fund forover six weeks so that is not the issue. But there is a credibility issue. In the past I recommended this site to some of my friends and those who tried to follow along with you are now confused. If your indicators keep telling you one thing but the market is doingsomething different how long do you let that continue? I know its important to preserve your capital, but this sites motto is "come grow with us", that's not much growing at a penny a week.


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Every week I send outan excel worksheet containing everyone's moves and rate of return. How about pming me your email add (and your friends too) so I can add them in thelist. This way, they can see other posters' moves and getdifferent ideas on their investment strategies. This way, they are not only limited in looking at one poster's moves.Remember, we are all responsible for our own investment andyou follow someone's strategy at your own peril.However, there is hope. Some are doing really well and beating themarket. :)P
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A comment from Bob Brinkeron 4 May 2005:
The current figures indicate that there are likely to be a large number of frustrated BEARS when the cyclical bull market achieves new recovery highs this year.....
I have had that feeling lately.......... The money seemsto be justmoving around from sector to sector in the market, so the indexes just keep creeping up... I read 3 different techs and not one has issued a sell signal yet.... They are all watching the 1220 support level and warning that we could have a pullback soon....but they are all maintaining their current buy signals.........