Market Talk / May 14 - 20

Investors can also use the price earnings ratio to look for:

* Companies that have a low rating or are undervalued, for example, companies with a price earnings ratio of less than 15 or more than 4.

* Companies that are highly rated or overvalued, for example, companies with a price earnings ratio of more than 20.

Average PE of 31.7. :worried:

Want to see overextended?


It took 80 years to go 1000 DOW points.

In 20 years it moved more then 10xs that. :worried: :confused:


Can you say MASSIVE DOUBLE TOP???????????????
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The TA's I follow are not recommending buying yet. In fact, 1 went from cash to shorting QQQQ's, Russell 2000 and the S&P yesterday. Another in his words added some shorts, "These short sales are like buying fire insurance -- you hope you'll never use it but it's comforting to know you have it."

Couple in cash and some still long. I'm long in TSP C and S, but not feeling Bullish. I'm just hoping for a little rally back towards 1300 on the S&P. Good luck whatever you do. Without a clear trend it's all High Risk Trades.

I'm staying long for now with Birchtree, and feeling the pain. However, if your a longer term bull like Birchtree. This is no more than noise in a normal market and it's time to add some stock! If you believe the S&P is headed to 1400 stock is on sale!

I did go long on the QQQQ's at the close yesterday for a longer term play stops at around 37.50.

Good Trading / Investing

Go Birchtree, I missed your posts! I don't post much, but I enjoy reading all of the Bull and Bear Manure that is spread on the Board! On with the fun Bull-Bear debates!!! It's like a darn Monster Movie. "Godzilla vs. the Thing"

Take Care my friend!
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Now that we've hit 1265, we should rally, although I would not expect much going into expiration day. I'm bleeding but holding.
holy chit

this has been the most expensive dip i've ever bot !!! *$%$&%$$@#!!!!
just being in stox 100% does not mean i like this market...LOL
i'm saying " be careful out there ".... and that is something i've NEVER said here before.


ps: for the long term buy and hold types here.....put everything in the I and forget it....if u have more than 10 years left it will be worth 70-150 bucks a share at your retirement.
DON"T LOOK 2 GOOD @ all folks

it really bothers me that the dip in cboe puts today caused an absolutely pathetic short covering rally.

we will close today in worst shape than yesterday with mojo and sentiment both headed south.

enron verdict will cause more negative sympathy.....
hang on this is gonna be a major beach!
So, where is the "smart" money? Are they inclined to buy "bargains" or is it better to be sitting on the sidelines? Me thinks there is more drop to come, even after a few so-so days or modest gains, we could again take another dive. Too risky for me until I see a solid turn around.
Only DOW 595 points from a all time high!!!

Funny you do not hear about that anymore.:nuts:

When CNBC had a bug for the countdown to the all time high - sure sign of PARTY OVER.

Birchtree said:
Let's monitor what Mr Kudlow has to say this evening.

I feast on his every word. I wonder what he says first?; Buy this dip!!!!!! The market got it wrong. Buy tech. Cheap, cheap, cheap. Retail is strong. The consumer is strong. Gas prices at $3 is cheap when you adjust for inflation. Inflation is contained. That seems to be the rotation right now.

Re: DON"T LOOK 2 GOOD @ all folks

Nice (and accurate) assessment, Teckno. What time (EST) did you write this?

teknobucks said:
it really bothers me that the dip in cboe puts today caused an absolutely pathetic short covering rally.

we will close today in worst shape than yesterday with mojo and sentiment both headed south.

enron verdict will cause more negative sympathy.....
hang on this is gonna be a major beach!
Transports are now down 7.5% from their record high (4,999) of eight sessions ago.

As goes the transports...........:worried:
You will notice that the last serious correction we had was in March-April/05 when the Dow was down 900 points - and the market survived and went on to post further gains. I think serious investors see this as an opportunity, it's the speculators and hedge funds that are in the panic mode. The transports have had a nice run and will now wait for the Dow to play catch up and confirm each other simultaneously - wouldn't that be cheery? Hold the line.
bkrownd said:
You got a problem with an intelligently planned retirement investment? Most people don't have the time or interest to study investments properly, and even if they did they may not make good decisions. The L Fund concept is solid. Beats the pants off of leaving money in the bank, money market or G-Fund, which is what a lot of people will do. In the end, the numbers will do all the talking.
No problem bkrownd... JMO. TV Dinners. I'd rather take the time to prepare my own meal. It sure is refreshing to have... well... an opinion; and a well prepared & cooked meal. :)
Re: holy chit

davtrader said:
Next target appears to be 1254, if that doesn't hold this will get real ugly.

I'm holding also, 1250's has been very strong support in the past. We might have to wait until next week for a bounce, but hoping for one tomorrow. The traders will be shorting rallies, so we must not get to Greedy on the next rally trying to get back losses or gains for some. 3 TA's now are shorting and the list is growing. Makes for a nice rally if you can squeeze them. We need to see a clearer Trend to stay long. The traders will have a Blast until the next Fed meeting and Maybe the rest of the summer.

The Institutional Boys will decide next week if they want to run it up one more time and take the money back from the shorts. This is the game they play to get our money!!!

I should have went away in MAY!!!!!!!!

Smart Money Confidence: 58% Dumb Money Confidence: 46%

The smart money is on the sidelines!!!
Birchtree said:
You will notice that the last serious correction we had was in March-April/05 when the Dow was down 900 points - and the market survived and went on to post further gains.

Ahh, the fed fund rate was 3% (one and done?) and crude was $45. :worried:

You are all Kudlowed up. Splash some cold water on your face and WAKE UP.
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Wizard said:
Ahh, the fed fund rate was 3% (one and done?) and crude was $45. :worried:

You are all Kudlowed up. Splash some cold water on your face and WAKE UP.

A lot of people have made money since then going long. Some have set in the G or the F the whole time. What's the point? Remember Wiz, this is a site about TSP. We don't have gold, real estate, energy, hedge funds..........oh that's it, hedge I remember why your back.......:p