Honorary Hall of Fame Member
The Kingdom of TSP
Early Edition
March 19, 2006
Early Edition
March 19, 2006

Yak, Doodles, Tea Leaves & The Tin Box
Kingdom Yak:
Market Yak.............................Breakout from a up week! [$SPX: resistance at 1297 was broken] Fundamentals are being reported as solid, and inflation seems to be in the can.
Other Yak...............................Lube was up 4% for the week; just inside the worry range. Noting: Supplies were good, but, it's spring break too!
Socks [$SPX] Closed at.............1307.25, up +25.67, for the week.
Volume (CMF) (money flow)........+0.058, decreasing.
Averages (MACD) (trend)...........+6.148, increasing.
Momentum (S-STO) (signal)........92.12, steady.
Strength (RSI) Overbought/sold...[70] 64.55 [30]
Lube (NYM) Closed at................64.30, up +2.46, for the week.
Oil Markers..............................<64= ok, 64-69= worry, >69= panic.
Link .......................................Crude Oil Futures NYMEX
Tea Leaves:
Charts & Stuff..........................Green.
Attachment.............................S&P 500 chart (RSI, PSA-R, 50 & 200dMA, MACD, and S-STO).
Tin Box:
Position..................................50G, 20C, 20S, and 10I
Stops [$SPX]...........................Alert: NA, Trail: 1300
TSP (week ending)......G=11.26..F=10.68..C=14.25..S=17.48..I=19.15
....(1 week past)........G=11.25..F=10.62..C=13.96..S=17.07..I=18.50
....(2 week past)........G=11.24..F=10.65..C=14.02..S=17.36..I=18.56
....(3 week past)........G=11.23..F=10.69..C=14.04..S=17.31..I=18.60
....(4 week past)........G=11.22..F=10.69..C=14.01..S=17.18..I=18.29
Fund Strength: G=01,:: F=06,:: C=25, S=35, and I=40. [Prior week average ratio.]
Link ..........................NYMEX >