Honorary Hall of Fame Member
The Kingdom of TSP
Sunday Weekly
Early Edition
April, 15, 2007
Sunday Weekly
Early Edition
April, 15, 2007
Yak, Le Charts, Doodles, Tea Leaves, The Tin Box, The Tally Can and The Barn Yard
Kingdom Yak:
Pro-Yak.....................................SPX continues to trade above 13d MA and near top of bands.
Con-Yak....................................SPX is also at area of resistance. Could go either way!
Jester-Yak.................................Caution high risk area ahead!
Stops.........................................................Alert (-1%)....Trail (-2%)
SPX Closed at 1,452.85 up +9.09 for the week....1438.............1424
Dollar.......................................82.17 -0.54 for the week ending...$USD
Lube (NYMEX) Closed at..............63.63 -0.65 for the week ending...NYMEX
Oil Markers................................<60= ok, 60-65= worry, >65= panic.
Tea Leaves:
Tin Box.
TSP (week ending)......G=11.87..F=11.28..C=16.16..S=20.00..I=23.93
....(1 week past)........G=11.86..F=11.31..C=16.06..S=19.82..I=23.61
....(2 week past)........G=11.85..F=11.31..C=15.78..S=19.51..I=23.13
....(3 week past)........G=11.84..F=11.32..C=15.96..S=19.67..I=23.24
....(4 week past)........G=11.83..F=11.34..C=15.41..S=18.95..I=22.30
....(end of 2006)........G=11.71..F=11.14..C=15.69..S=18.76..I=22.22
Tally Can.
Top 10 last 12 mo.......................View attachment 1568
...............................................Courtesy of Fundsurfer's Leader Tally Chart
The Barn Yard
Location....................................On a lilly pad. (100% G-Fund). Capital Preservation.