Moderator | TSP Legend
June 17, 2013, 8:13 a.m. EDT
Bernanke will try to herd wild markets at meeting
By Greg Robb, MarketWatch
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — At one of the recent Federal Reserve retreats in Jackson Hole, the central bankers and their guests were treated to an exhibition by a leading horse whisperer. Maybe Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke was taking notes.
Bernanke will try to herd wild markets at meeting - The Fed - MarketWatch
Bernanke will try to herd wild markets at meeting
By Greg Robb, MarketWatch
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — At one of the recent Federal Reserve retreats in Jackson Hole, the central bankers and their guests were treated to an exhibition by a leading horse whisperer. Maybe Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke was taking notes.
Bernanke will try to herd wild markets at meeting - The Fed - MarketWatch