The reaction from both sides is so predictable that I could literally post both sides of the argument. And if I did that it wouldn't get heated.
So far so good, but I don't think we need to go over it here. Posting facts, like a Trump or Pelosi tweet or a headline that moves the market is one thing. But debating what we think is right and wrong, or right and left, will never get resolved here. Been there, done that. Sure, it will start out civil, then the talking points come out and the next thing we know, I'm breaking up a fight between two or more members, each of whom is totally convinced they know the truth.
So please, let's keep this to how it affects the market and not how to get other to see yours political views, or why their view is wrong. I'm sure there are a ton of other forums (twitter) for that, and you'll see the cesspool's they've become. Not that anyone here is doing that, but that's where it always goes.
This forum has been unbelievably civil because we kept politics out of it and I appreciate that like you wouldn't believe. Having to ban people in the past, whom I considered friends, because they couldn't help but attack others' political views, was tough. Some came back, some didn't.