Market News

Company earnings look like they will keep sliding through the third quarter

Third-quarter S&P 500 earnings are forecast to show a decline of 0.3%, according to FactSet.

With Q2 also expected to be negative, that would make the first time since 2016 of three consecutive quarters with negative earnings growth.

The big drag for profits has come from multinational companies exposed to the U.S.-China trade war.
President Donald Trump declared relations with China were "right back on track" after he and President Xi Jinping sought Saturday to de-escalate a prolonged trade war between the economic powerhouses despite doubts about either's willingness to compromise on a long term solution.
Why a sideways stock market could indicate the highs are yet to come

Major indexes sit a percentage point or two away from all-time highs as stocks flip between small gains and losses on Monday, but over the past 12 months the market has advanced only modestly—feeding the notion among some investors that equities may be in the process of putting in a top for the cycle, said Joseph LaVorgna, chief economist for the Americas at Natixis, in a note.
Bears contend the stock market’s

largely sideways action over the last year signals a top may already be near, if not already established. But that would be out of keeping with recent history, says one economist.

But there’s a rub, he said. “Some investors have speculated that the market might be topping out ahead of a possible U.S. slowdown over the next year,” LaVorgna wrote. “However, this would be very unusual, as equities have always had a double-digit rally before the economy experiences a downturn.” (See table below.)[more]

China says it has agreed with the US to cancel existing trade tariffs in phases

So, I gotta ask the question:

Why should any of us believe a press conference "partial" deal announcement from the Chinese communist guy, when our own trade negotiators are silent?

Just asking- I really see nothing here other than an attempt by Chinese agents to try and kick start ANYTHING, because nothing is working so far.
Trump says the US has NOT agreed to roll-backs of tariff policy.

See? You can't believe the communists. (Or Trump, for that matter).

Rollback of China tariffs faces fierce opposition in the White House

  • An agreement between the U.S. and China to roll back existing tariffs as part of a “phase one” trade deal faces fierce internal opposition in the White House and from outside advisers.
  • Chinese officials said earlier on Thursday that tariff reductions had been agreed, and a U.S. official confirmed that was the case early Thursday afternoon.
  • The Chinese Communist Party is trying to “re-trade” the agreement, said Stephen Bannon, former White House adviser. He added that rolling back earlier tariffs “goes against the grain” of the original October agreement.