One thing to note on the JCI/general stocks discussion. Provided I, and presumably Birch too, remain positive on JCIs long-term outlook, we'll continue buying the stock even if it loses values concurrent with any general market slump.
As to your investments. I don't know your age, but adding an IRA to your portfolio MAY be a wise move, please research and draw your own conclusion however. IRA investing, especially the Roth, has nice tax advantages. Roth IRAs allow you to pay tax now, rather than later when you withdraw. Traditional IRAs allow you to reduce your current tax burden through pre-tax deposits. If you are nearing retirement the $5k/year max investment is increased with a "catch-up" provision. I don't know the catch-up rules since I'm faaarrr from nearing retirement age, but it may be a handy way to allocate some of the extra money you are considering investing in real estate. Remember that IRA annual contribution limits are combined, that is both Roth and Traditional IRA contributions combined can not exceed the annual limit.
I agree w/ Birch on the portability of stocks. I anticipate moving again in the near future which makes real estate a tough sell for my portfolio. Stocks can got anywhere.
edit: added emphasis to show this is a discussion NOT investment advice!