Mapper's Account Talk

Just when I had my moves planned the market throws a loop.

Staying with the plan though. These pushes down are having a tough time sticking

IFT to 100S today

EFTs...waiting a bit, because I have that luxury.
Once again I cut my ties with TZA for a loss of 8.46%. Despite that I'm still up 9.7% on my ETF trades for the year.

Just found out I'll be away from a computer for Friday and Monday, that was my primary motivation for ditching the TZA and also my motivation for making no other purchases right now.

Figures that I lose computer access for 2 days after making a risky IFT yesterday...hoping she goes up!!
Recent bounces have been satisfactory to me. Buying today.

ETFs bought TNA @ $61.41. Would have liked a nicer price but I was playing it a little safer, looking for some confirmation. Took a slightly smaller position than my previous moves.

TSP remains 100 S, long and strong

Stocks. Made an individual stock purchase today adding to my long-term buy and hold, dividend investment account. Bought JCI @ $33.24.

Good luck to all and may the bull, having caught his breath, keep running!
FWIW - here are my DCA purchases into JCI: $30.34, $28.89, $29.03, $30.08, $26.97, $31.98, $32.40, $ 34.51. I'm willing to track up to $60.
Thanks, I'm not worried much about timing for JCI, I intend to hold that stock for a long time. Sadly this was high on my list when it was in the low $20s...but I had no purchase power at that time. Subsequently I've been wanting to add JCI to my IRA for awhile, now have the cash available and think the value is reasonable for my time frame. My "ouch" was largely a was largely a reference to the ETF purchase.
I don't listen much to talking heads but the one's I can't avoid are saying sell because we're gonna drop.

So, I bought more TNA. Inner contrarian ruling the day.

Best of luck!
It won't be long now when JCI reaches the $36 level - I'll be forced to get some more for sure.

Birch, I'm confused & missing something here, please explain. If you think JCI a good bet & want to get more, why wait till it hits $36? Why not buy now in low $35-range, unless that was a general comment you made?? Hey, I love your activity on the site & reading your comments, trying to learn more.:confused:
I own ample shares of JCI already at lower prices - so waiting on a specific price to buy more actually helps lock in some of those lower price points - just my particular way of doing dollar cost averaging. I'll also pick up a few more shares with my dividend reinvestments. I've completed the majority of my aggressive buying so now I'm in V8 electroglide cruising along and picking up road side wild flowers as I move along. This bull cycle is going to last well into 2013 - presenting many, many opportunities for further acquisitions.
Thanx for clarification BT. My only real, current exposure to stock/equities is my TSP. Been investing heavy in that for 20yrs, & with 6-10yrs till fed-retirement, I'm partially in "safe/ preservation" mindset... so I've been 50% to 60% G with the up-down market in recent couple years. Reading your comments urges me to think of going a little bigger (ohhhh, the timing...) and investing more separately via Roth-IRA and/or direct stock purchases... but weighing that with option of trying to buy a rental-property (I have some share of two small rentals, and with rates & property prices low, good option to consider). Again, Thx.
Remember that stocks go with you no matter where you go providing planty of flexibility. Real estate rentals are fine for long term income. I'm trying to get to western North Carolina at some point and have approached my neighbor to be a manager to rent my house instead of selling - it would provide good cash flow for several years and allow her to pick her next neighbor.
One thing to note on the JCI/general stocks discussion. Provided I, and presumably Birch too, remain positive on JCIs long-term outlook, we'll continue buying the stock even if it loses values concurrent with any general market slump.

As to your investments. I don't know your age, but adding an IRA to your portfolio MAY be a wise move, please research and draw your own conclusion however. IRA investing, especially the Roth, has nice tax advantages. Roth IRAs allow you to pay tax now, rather than later when you withdraw. Traditional IRAs allow you to reduce your current tax burden through pre-tax deposits. If you are nearing retirement the $5k/year max investment is increased with a "catch-up" provision. I don't know the catch-up rules since I'm faaarrr from nearing retirement age, but it may be a handy way to allocate some of the extra money you are considering investing in real estate. Remember that IRA annual contribution limits are combined, that is both Roth and Traditional IRA contributions combined can not exceed the annual limit.

I agree w/ Birch on the portability of stocks. I anticipate moving again in the near future which makes real estate a tough sell for my portfolio. Stocks can got anywhere.

edit: added emphasis to show this is a discussion NOT investment advice!
Thx Mapper. Age=52. Very unlikely I'll move out of area (not more than 1-2 hours drive), even after retirement. Will ponder the discussion. FYI, See related [h=1]Thread: ROTH TSP Education Materials? ... I posted comment there this morn, regarding retirement & relative tax rate considerations.[/h]
Ahh, I haven't been following the Roth option issues, will concern myself with that when it becomes available. I'm talking about IRA accounts outside of TSP.

I use TSP and a balance of outside Traditional and Roth IRAs AND a taxable account so I can have some options when retirement time comes....I'm hoping, with a little prudence today, I can make retirement day come early :D
Don't like the look of today's action. another tug-o-war day. I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet but my own fear is on the rise. My exposure is high right now.