Luv2Read's Account Talk

Can I be your Energy Secretary? My dad spent his whole career DOE in coal and oil shale, I grew up talking this stuff around the dinner table. I live in wind, hydro, cellulosic ethanol country. Please please, pretty please?
XL-entLady said:
L2R for President! L2R, you could stock your entire Cabinet from this MB!

Can I be your Energy Secretary? My dad spent his whole career DOE in coal and oil shale, I grew up talking this stuff around the dinner table. I live in wind, hydro, cellulosic ethanol country. Please please, pretty please?

And can I be your Secretary of Health and Human Services? And we need to get Officer Squale in here somewhere - - how about your Attorney General?

This is fun!

And can I be your Secretary of Health and Human Services? And we need to get Officer Squale in here somewhere - - how about your Attorney General? This is fun! Lady

I certainly wouldn't mind the salary ! But they would ban me because
I have a weakness for telling Attorney jokes. Shark jokes too ! Oooops,
Same thing. Sorry for being redundant. :toung:
"I'm here to do,,, what ever I can. Be it early morn,,,,late afternoon,,,,or
at midnight,,,,its never too soon" Speaking of midnight, I gotta get to bed.
Duty calls tonight ! Have fun ! :)
I'll take a Supreme Court Justice position, I think you'll need some sanity checks for stoopid rulings from the appellate courts. Also, stop the insanity on "rewriting" the Constitution.:cool:

If that's not available, I'll take the Defense Secretary spot!
LOL cross-pollination from Steady's thread!

We have plenty of positions to go around - you're right Lady, this IS fun!

Aw Gee you guys! :embarrest::o

You'd be right there with me, and I couldn't agree more that we have more than enough talent on this MB to fill those Cabinet posts and get the job done better than it has been in a looooong time!

Steady - Secretary of State - what else! The supreme diplomat. And during our off hours, leader of the band, of course!

That's exactly what our country needs..Rock're the man!!!I'd definitely give you my vote buddy!!!GL to all ...if only we had our IFT's back...We need a Rock Czar to fix that..:D:D

We can SB in charge of the FRTIB. Yeh, that's it the FRTIB. :D How about it SB???

L2R, Can I be in charge of NASA????
We can SB in charge of the FRTIB. Yeh, that's it the FRTIB. How about it SB??? L2R, Can I be in charge of NASA????

First I'd fire the rest of the Board. Then I'd do the following;

Allow unlimited IFT's.
Go back to 2 digit share prices for every fund.
Allow Web Sites to say anything they want under the Constitution.
Stop all screening of websites all together.
Open a direct dialog with TSP Participants.
Fire Barclays for questionable practices.
Make the FRTIB a seperate entity like the FED.
Finally, accept a small commission for my work.

Just kidding on the last one. ok, You got it ! SBFRTIB !
Any takers ? That was fun, I'm sure I missed a few things ! :embarrest:
Finally, accept a small commission for my work.:embarrest:

As opposed to the "hidden" commissions Barclay takes from the "I" Fund? At least you're upfront and honest. At least with you in charge, we'd get it upfront instead of behind.(Pun intended)

First I'd fire the rest of the Board. Then I'd do the following;

Allow unlimited IFT's.
Go back to 2 digit share prices for every fund.
Allow Web Sites to say anything they want under the Constitution.
Stop all screening of websites all together.
Open a direct dialog with TSP Participants.
Fire Barclays for questionable practices.
Make the FRTIB a seperate entity like the FED.
Finally, accept a small commission for my work.

Just kidding on the last one. ok, You got it ! SBFRTIB !
Any takers ? That was fun, I'm sure I missed a few things ! :embarrest:

SB...You have my vote. I like what you stand for!!!!:D
Will play this driving home - in your honor.

After all the jacks are in their boxes
And the clowns have all gone to bed
You can hear happiness staggering on down the street
Footsteps dressed in red

And the wind whispers mary

A broom is drearily sweeping
Up the broken pieces of yesterdays life
Somewhere a queen is weeping
Somewhere a king has no wife

And the wind, it cries mary

The traffic lights, they turn, uh, blue tomorrow
And shine their emptiness down on my bed
The tiny island sags down stream
cause the life that lived is dead

And the wind screams mary

Uh-will the wind ever remember
The names it has blow in the past?
And with this crutch, its old age, and its wisdom
It whispers no, this will be the last

And the wind cries mary

Everyone - have a great weekend !!

And Lady, enjoy the "camping" !
The radical Neoconservative Republican crowd screwed up the economy… big time.
The United States is now a "Federally Managed Economy"!

What average American, the Bush Administration, Fed and Wall Street can’t see coming is the American Economy, which purchases over 30% of all goods manufactured in the world, has been “debased.”

The Bush Administration has cooked the books concerning GDP, employment, inflation and other numbers released monthly by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The manipulation of energy prices and refineries by big oil has sucked trillions of dollars out of American Consumers’ pockets and the World Economy.

Thirty-seven years of support by Republicans of Supply-side Economics, radical Think Tanks and PR Campaigns to convince Americans that Unions were bad brought membership down to 11% of all Americans. Wages and benefits went down with the Unions.

Under both Regan and the Bush’s Neoconservative Republican leaderships, who’s creed was “Greed and Supply-side Economics’ ”, the administrations legislated tax breaks for corporations and the Elitist top1% of Americans at the expense of the other 99%. Couple this with catalyst such as the collapse of the mortgage banking industry & housing prices, a liquidity crisis and pending student loan catastrophe. Then add in years of Union busting, NAFTA, CAFTA, Vietnamese, Central America and other Trade agreements, hundreds of thousands of H1-B & L-1 work visas, years of outsourcing jobs to 3rd world countries and open borders all which help eliminate the higher paying jobs, pensions and benefits for a majority of Americans.

The huge amount of spendable income/benefits these high paying jobs formerly supplied America and the World Economy has disappeared… gone forever. Resulting in a gigantic transfer of wealth from average Americans to the world’s Elitist top 1% and coffers of Corporate America.

The staged Iraq war has maimed and killed thousands of American Soldiers along with tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis’ while sucking billions of dollars of tax money out of the American economy that could have been used for social projects and paying down the national debt. America fights this war for Israel alone without their aid or troop support. Lobbyists, AIPAC and Radical Zionists within the Neoconservative Bush administration blindly led America into this war while helping channel billions of US tax dollars to Israel, Armament companies, big oil, military contractors, corporate friends and “misplaced billions”. This helped place Americans and America on the road to bankruptcy as the country with the largest national debt, and growing, in the history of the world.

Republicans and the radical Neoconservative Bush Administration have created the perfect “Financial Storm.”

As Hitler did during World War II, this administration utilizes “Authoritarian Rule” and the “big lie theory”… the bigger the lie the more likely people will believe it.

The American Economy was debased while our political system went from Democracy to Corporatism.
Closed-ends poised to roll out auction-rate fixes
By Sam Mamudi, MarketWatch
Last update: 12:34 p.m. EDT Aug. 8, 2008

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- As U.S. regulators come down hard on banks accused of improperly selling auction-rate securities, three closed-end fund firms are at different stages of fixing the problem for their investors.
Closed-end fund auction-rate securities make up $64 billion of the $330 billion market. As in the broader market, some investors bought the stocks believing that they were liquid, only to learn when the credit market collapsed that their liquidity was not guaranteed. See full story
The problem for the funds is that they used auction-rate securities to take leveraged positions. Because the market was frozen, they could not find buyers for the securities, but to cash out angry auction-rate securities holders would mean unwinding the leveraged positions. This could have adverse effects on the fund's portfolio and subsequent performance.
After months of trying, three of the four largest closed-end issuers of auction-rate securities -- Nuveen Investments, BlackRock Inc and Eaton Vance Corp. have come up with their own ways to solve the impasse.
The third-largest issuer, PIMCO parent Allianz, has not yet announced any plans and calls to the company were not immediately returned.
The goal was to design securities that would be bought by money-market funds, which by law can only invest in securities that guarantee liquidity. This makes auction-rate securities unsuitable (despite what investors may have thought,) and so the three firms have created new types of securities that with what's known as put options, which provide guaranteed buyers of the shares in certain circumstances.
The money raised from selling these securities will let firms to cash out their remaining auction-rate securities holders.
While the firms have developed their own securities, the three offerings are largely the same. "There are small differences between the securities, but in large part they're very similar," said Anne Ackerley, COO in BlackRock's private client group. "The point is to make them eligible to money market funds."
Unlike auction-rate securities, the new offerings will only be available to money-market funds and "qualified institutional buyers" -- means investors with more than $100 million in assets. In other words, they're not for the man in the street.
The reason, say the firms, is because the priority is bailing out auction-rate securities holders. "We're focused on getting liquidity to those who want it," said Jonathan Isaac, vice president at Eaton Vance. Regulations that make the securities suitable for money market funds make it difficult to make them available to retail investors for now.
Will there be some form of these new securities that makes its way to everyday investors? It seems as if the will is there. "Some investors clearly liked the auction-rate structure and there is a place for that kind of retail product," said Isaac.
Ackerley said she thought that fund companies would work with the Securities and Exchange Commission at some point "down the road" to find a way to reach the retail market. "You want the broadest marketplace," she said.
Ann Kritzmire, head of closed-ends at Nuveen, was also hopeful, if cautious. "This is a brand-new security [so we will see] but it might be a viable option," for retail, she said. But in terms of what retail investors are saying now, she said, "We're hearing from preferred shareholders who want their shares unfrozen."
The three firms are in different stages of launching their new securities and raising the cash to buy out stranded auction-rate securities holders.
Nuveen is the largest issuer of closed-end fund auction-rate securities. It was also the first to successfully sell its new securities. On Tuesday, Nuveen said it had agreed to private deals worth $500 million across four of its closed-end funds for its variable rate demand preferred shares (VRDP).
VRDPs function largely in the same way as auction-rate securities but, as with all the new securities, they have what is known as a put feature -- a mechanism that lets the holder sell the security in certain market conditions. The liquidity will come from $1.75 billion provided by Deutsche BankBlackRock hopes to roll out its liquidity enhanced adjustable rate securities (LEARs) in the next 30-60 days, according to Ackerley.
She said BlackRock is "very close" to agreeing a deal with a liquidity provider, she added, and is also talking to another two potential providers.
Eaton Vance
Eaton Vance is in talks with potential buyers of its liquidity protected preferred shares (LPPs) and hopes to have deals conclude in the next few weeks. Isaac declined to comment on any timing, however, though he did acknowledge that the firm has found a liquidity provider. He would not reveal the name of the provider.}&print=true&dist=printMidSection

"Unlike auction-rate securities, the new offerings will only be available to money-market funds and "qualified institutional buyers" -- means investors with more than $100 million in assets. In other words, they're not for the man in the street."

Follow the bouncing ball folks--they are repackaging the trash and serving it to 401k or IRA holders who thought they fled to "cash" in MMF's. They are going after your retirement to bailout the ARS crackup.