oh, this is a tough week to pick. i've already used ravens, steelers, dolphins, bengals, and patriots, so some of the easy choices are off the table for me. but on the bright side i still have most of my fast horses in the barn, unfortunately they are all in tough races tomorrow.
hmmm, i want to pick titans over browns but i feel really bad about rubbing the little brown's nose in the playground gravel multiple times already this season, nobody likes a bully and they might just fire one up. packers over cowboys is next choice, but don't ever stand in the way of a hot underdog with a rookie playing for the time of his life, these situations often produce almost unimaginable performance and inspiring desire.
so i think i'm going with bills over forty-niners, although the physics of the game escape my reasoning capabilities. they say kneeling fro bro is going to start, but how does this... fit into this... i just can't wrap my helmet around it? we shall see i guess.
side note, for anybody who plays in the poker club, you know that at 7:30 every other monday night i pause and do not play my cards until the anthem is finished, i choose to stand with my hand over my heart and sing the words in my head, even if i'm holding aces, out of gratitude, because that is how i was raised and what i do. so i hope sf takes it hard in the shorts tomorrow, and i'm willing to bet my tsp football pool future on that happening.