KevinD's Account Talk

Hey Kev, the flooding's difficult to deal, glad you weren't more affected. there may be flood restoration companies in your area to help deal with mold in walls, flooring. You'll probably know shortly if that's a problem to be dealt with. Experienced those hurricane-driven ginormous frog-strangler tstorms in n. VA growing up-we lived on slightly higher ground than neighbor, small ditch across our property drained to theirs. Their brandnew basement filled up with runoff from fields behind us in mid70's, we were fine.
I really need to concentrate my attention to cleaning up after the flood. I'm going to try the SS method and maybe there will be a while till the next buy signal so I can get some stuff done. I haven't been doing so good on my own so maybe the SS can be my guide to being on the right side of the trade.

Best to all.
I really need to concentrate my attention to cleaning up after the flood....

I simply don't have time to keep up with what's happening... even the huge events like the flooding in the SE USA. Was only a few nights back I saw what was going on with massive destruction in 4 states and I was totally shocked I'd been clueless throughout.

Same thing with this place - there's only so many places you can really keep up with - so sorry this is so late.

I've never lived through anything like what I saw on TV and can't even imagine how terrible it would feel ~~ and how hopeless it would be.

'They say' Global Warming is responsible for much of the disasters that are happening ... and I'm not trying to point fingers at anyone ... all I can say is I really feel for anyone that has to live through - and deal with - that kind of event.

I hope somehow ~~ the weather has changed if it hasn't already and you only wind up with a 'mild inconvience' .. at best.
Thanks Steady. Thats all I've had...a mild inconvenience...compared to some. I deliver mail to some areas that have been hit pretty hard. The people are remarkably calm and up-beat. I feel like it's affecting me more than it is them. I think it's because I see what's happened to them and know I got out light comparatively.

TSPwise - If I can't figure out how to get on the right side of this market I'm gonna have to move the date in my signature out a few years...
I feel like it's affecting me more than it is them. I think it's because I see what's happened to them and know I got out light comparatively.

You've got a good heart man - and that's a beautiful testimony

I think it happens whenever we're directly confronted with the horrible situations so many others (innocently) have to bear

Thanks for being the way you are !!!

Later dude
I miss the drought.
Will 1020 hold? :worried: I don't think it will. :notrust:

I may bail today or tomorrow. Monday brings 2 new transfers. :(
Contributions were in C, S & I this morning. <1% transfer to 97G and 1 each in C, S & I then back to 100G after 12 noon and I won't have used any of Decembers transfers...just because. :D
Nice clip of the Libertarian Party. I have said in several post there is not a nickles difference between the democrats and republicans. The only difference is how they are spelled. They are both self serving POWER,POWER,POWER hungry and they are all about destroying the constitution and and using the POWER of persuasion to influence those who want government to do everything for them. Therefore relinquishing their individual rights to the government because they can't think for themselves. These individuals need government to take care of their every need (Welfare). That is what the government is counting on those who do not have a clue and those that do they want to silence. You know; to be a good American you have to be a silent American, or at the very least agree with every position they cram down our throats. If the citizens don't take back this country all I can say is Suffer America you ain't had enough yet!:notrust:
Can somebody take the 5 star rating off this thread? I'm not sure how but I think I'm the one who put that there. :embarrest:

This thread certainly doesn't rate 5 stars. :o
Heck, keep the five stars. I've been relagated to three and will probably never see four and that's just the way things are. It really doesn't mean anything.
When I saw it I tried to go in and dilute it by giving it 1 star and the system told me that I had already voted. Thats what makes me think I'm the one who gave myself 5 stars. I really don't remember doing it...