kar crazy's Account Talk

"The connoisseurs may cringe, the snobs may even sob, but the judges have spoken: California's best chardonnay costs less than $3.
Charles Shaw Chardonnay, better known as "Two Buck Chuck," beat hundreds of other wines and was named the top prize in a prestigious tasting competition in California."

If you have a Trader Joe's in the area, check out two-buck Chuck (Charles Shaw). Two-buck Chuck has enjoyed a sort of cult status in CA, and I was thrilled when Trader Joe's finally made it to metro Atlanta. Yea, I know, a two dollar bottle of wine is SCARY, but they're pretty good. Closest Trader Joe's is 30 miles from my home, but worth the trip.

thanks Gail i think i will be sampling alot of them finding what my taste buds like
for now three kinds of blood press meds one of them 2 times a day andthree kinds of head ache meds, get this one goes in the other end HUh:confused:hey if it works i will try it this time:o:nuts:
Look at that, got a pain in the head and where do they put the medicine?
Hope you feel better KC.:D
Just got back from my Diabetic check up (10 years with it, 5 shots of insulin a day)

Glucose at check in --98 mg/dl

Three month average Hemoglobin A1C --6.8 (<150 mg/dl)

Weight -- Nunya

BP -- 122/72

Eyes -- good

Feet -- good

no signs of any neuropathy

Hi Dennis,

Meant to congratulate you on your bloodwork several days ago, but it slipped thru the crack just like everything else... so glad to know everything checked ok. Keep up the good health, without it we are nothing even with $Ms in TSP accounts. I like to read your posts too, you are witty and you have a good sense of humor :D, plus you offer good comments on the market.
for now three kinds of blood press meds one of them 2 times a day andthree kinds of head ache meds, get this one goes in the other end HUh:confused:hey if it works i will try it this time:o:nuts:

kar crazy,

Let us know how things went yesterday, you are in our thoughts and prayers. This is the time to be healthy and be grateful for all our blessings! :)

Hi KC:

Glad the doc got you set up on meds...Get the pressure up to get that blood pressure down :D and can look forward to putting the pedal to the metal at the racetrack..:D:D:

kar crazy,

Let us know how things went yesterday, you are in our thoughts and prayers. This is the time to be healthy and be grateful for all our blessings! :)

white blood cell are high now i am on antibotics with everything else but as far as blood result they said everything looks great :)
now tomorrow i go for MRA on arteries and ultra sound on little vains in neck thnks for prayers never have enough dads been on my mind alot but i told him i am not ready to see him yeat i have to many things unfinished and $ to make here . believe me i have been talking to the man upstairs a whole lot more than usual this definatly has my attention back awake at 3:00 A.M. this morning maybe 2 glasses of wine will help me sleep better G L to all and god bless all families
Hi KC:

Glad the doc got you set up on meds...Get the pressure up to get that blood pressure down :D and can look forward to putting the pedal to the metal at the racetrack..:D:D:

morning F S man i have parts coming in the mail and cant wait a little more energy and i will start overhauling ole blue thinking about going all back in Ssss dont know why or why i bailed half way out just dont want to fall all the way again dont know if i will be able to make deadline the next2 days so might slip back in G L brother:)
white blood cell are high now i am on antibotics with everything else but as far as blood result they said everything looks great :)
now tomorrow i go for MRA on arteries and ultra sound on little vains in neck thnks for prayers never have enough dads been on my mind alot but i told him i am not ready to see him yeat i have to many things unfinished and $ to make here . believe me i have been talking to the man upstairs a whole lot more than usual this definatly has my attention back awake at 3:00 A.M. this morning maybe 2 glasses of wine will help me sleep better G L to all and god bless all families

First off - Thanks a million for the updates.

If they put you on antibiotics for an elevated white count - that's a good sign - and it shouldn't be too bad. It's kind of cool that dad's been on your mind - but you're right - there is still a lot to do here and we need ya around. There will definately be a spot up front for you at the concert and that's at least 8 years off.

It's like I tell my patients, all I can see is the engine but I need to see the bloodwork to really see how good things are. I'm thrilled your bloodwork turned out well - other than a slight white count elevation. It sounds like they are really treating this aggressively - and THAT IS WONDERFUL.

That's the best part about our mortal condition - it definately helps us to focus on the bigger picture and what's really important. I hope you "and the man upstairs" are enjoying each other's company. Will keep you in our prayers until things simmer down - or are better completely. Take care KC and hope the tests go well tomorrow.
you know i have been saying nothing matters right now anything goes wrong it was just meant to be,house dirty for now dont care,trees down ,for now dont care race cars broke really care but not for now
just rest and pray:)oh yeah job dont care for now:D just try to keep smiling :D

Glad you're doing better. Hope you made a few bucks today. I'm still on the sidelines until I sense some pressure release in the market. It's just too volatile for me right now..so it's G and F until I get that warm fuzzy feeling again..Happy Holidays to all...

Sounds like you're doing a lot better :) I sure hope so.

Your TSP decision makes you sound like a genius :D

Well it's good to have ya back! and have a great weekend. :cool:
had shots in L4 L5 man he hit that nerve that runs to your foot, back hurts ready for some Wine , Beer, or good ole Crown tonight, I am calling Doc later,to see on MRA and ultra sound , feeling better today minus headache but I am use to them:blink: G L to all hold on now and make some $$:D:)
put 3rd member in race car before i had to go to hospital ,stress relief do something i like maybe a few more good feeling days and i can pull motor and trans thinking about a race in san antonio PINKS ALL OUT in March this fires me up clears the mind :D kinda like fishing to me:D