jpcavin's Account Talk

You probably will catch up. I am not bailing! It's do or die for me!:D In fact, I think I'll DCA while I'm at it. :laugh:

Well I did and hope your fine. As you know as Birch says "The market will recover. It always does." So you go girl. You will be right eventually. You just have to wait till it does.:D

There may be good news? Oscar had a good spilll you just have to fast foward through some adwertising. I rate Oscar 70/30 for the free part of his stuff. Here's the post:

Click daily video:

I have and always be your friend and I'll wait here on the tracker for you.:)
Are you ok? Too busy at work? I miss your posts and I'm in the market and thinking of staying. I was going to ask you what was your theory on staying in S for the long term and noticed you got out. Did you go TDY and wanted to be safe while out of town or did you see something to change your mind?

Well anyway have a nice day and come back soon.:)

Can't do it in 10 words or less. Look for 30 words or less at the end of this email.

1. I measure the market mood with using a monetary filter. I look at the 33 week yield average of the 3Y Note and 5Y Note. If the yields are lower than the previous 33 weeks, interest rate trends are down and favorable. If the yields are higher than the previous 33 weeks, interest rate trends are rising and unfavorable.

2. I measure the NASDAQ Composite/NYSE relative strength. I compare the weekly closing levels of the two. Then I calculate the 10 week relative strength ratio of the weekly readings. If the NASDAQ/NYSE Index relative strength ratio stands above it's 10-week moving average, consider the NASDAQ Composite to be leading the NYSE. This is bullish. If the NASDAQ/NYSE Index relative strength ratio stands below it's 10-week moving average, consider the NASDAQ to be lagging the the NYSE in relative strength. This is less Bullish (neutral).

3. I also follow the NASDAQ Composite Triple Momentum Timing Model. The NASDAQ is more volatile than the S&P and it tends to exaggerate the ups and downs. That is my main guide. Momentum ended negative and I should have sold today but I didn't have time to log in and get out. That has been the case a couple of times. I wanted to get out and couldn't and I just happened to get lucky. Add to that the fact that I am also somewhat of a risk taker. I got in at a very low price (573 - W4500)so if it goes down a bit, it's no big deal in my book.

4. In addition, limited IFT's sometimes make you take more risk (i.e. staying in equities through end of month so you still have 2 IFT's next month).

I post my little tracker from time to time. It is intended for longer term investing so I don't follow it to a "T".

In 30 words or less....
Look at the "Composite" column of my tracker. Supposedly, it's a buy when the "Composite" goes over 4% and Sell when it goes below 4%.

Happy trading!

Another bump :cheesy:
Bill and Kevin, thanks for thinking of me. I've just been going through a very difficult time in my life and haven't had the heart to be as involved as I should. I'll be back soon. You can count on that!
I believe I told Alevin, Birch and others (I am so sorry I can't remember your names) that I would keep you posted on my stock purchases. Thank you all and please forgive my forgetfulness.

When I saw the DOW take a tumble, I knew it was time to buy "a la Birch". Needless to say, I've been busy buying stocks this past week. I have accumulated shares of AMD, ACOM, ARR, BAC, GLW, EBAY, FSC, F, GE, ODP, PFE, RIMM, S, WFC and two experimental stocks MWIP and PEIX just for the hell of it to see if it went anywhere. I bought 100 shares of PEIX at .35 cents a share and wished I had bought more. This stock has really peaked my interest.
ARR was the first stock I bought a few months ago and it's my only regret. However, it pays a dividend every month. Is it possible to hate a stock and like it's dividends? I guess I am a little ambivalent?

I'd like to purchase shares of VLO, INTC, and CSCO next. Just waiting on the right price.
I am sure there are better, more worthy stocks out there but I needed to get some of the popular ones out of my system. Besides that, I can't really afford the likes of KO, MCD, etc...

I welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism.
With some of your stock purchases if you make money then I'll make money. It tales a village. I can tell you are having some fun.
With some of your stock purchases if you make money then I'll make money. It tales a village. I can tell you are having some fun.

I was having fun. However, the honeymoon is over. I lost track of time and I didn't use up my 50 free trades before the 90 days were up. Not only that, but since I only processed 24 trades, I don't qualify for the reduced commission of $4.95. I have to pay $8.95 instead. :mad::(:sick:
Time to open up a ROTH somewhere else.

PEIX is screaming BUY, BUY, BUY. At least for some short term cash. Since I purchased it on August 25th, it's given me an overall return of 233.56%:D
I'm back! Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. Well, it's a new year and I'm ready to be more active in this forum. I haven't been "hitting the books" as far as investing and market timing goes. Hope to get in the swing of things again. I see a lot of new members and new leaders. Hope to gain some of your knowledge. Cheers!
I still have it. I like it. Don't own enough shares to really make a killing. I bought my shares at .35. Wish I had bought enough to be worth selling