JimmyJoe's Account Talk

I'm up. It's 1:11 am. Woke up after sleeping little. When I awake I check the futures. It's a green light so the pump is primed. Today is the day the sphinx cracks its crusty exterior and comes alive. This sphinx, aka the SPX will break loose from its shell and walk this earth at 1600, its never before state of unrelenting power. All those that see, and have admired this wonderous creature will join with its awesome walk. Those that are unprepared for such a spectacular event shall be paralyzed in awe while the many of us believers will march along side this graceful creature, poised to gather the gains to be made because of its pppp power. Behold the SPX of 1600.
SPX 1600. Then it holds in spite of bitter opposition from the analysts on the tube saying "it just can't go on, this euphoria." Which will win out? May go away or SPX 1600 levels? SPX 1650 by June.
All this market has got to do is touch SPX 1600, then we'll be in the clear. That will be enough for buyers to flood the market. The sense of relief and euphoria will be the security for buyers to buy and for gains to be made. The market wants to reach SPX 1600 so then pressure will be eased and a calm, almost pleasant rise in the markets will be the order of the day.
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If I was a guy who had one of those jovial laughs, I'd have to be laughing like a mad cow, no, like Ferdinand, at the SPX stopping short of 1600..... again. What is with this glass ceiling, this invisible hand, this stoppage of play? I'm going to call the person responsible for this into my office and have a chat with them, if I had an office. Seriously, this thing is going to blow and when it does, it'll be like the a Roman candle. I'm hooked up. Hope the rest of you are. I used to say SPX 1600! But now I haven't got time for this. How about SPX 1700! Lets put all the chips on the table. Show me the money.
This market is primed. S&P is at 1600. Dow at 15000. Adjusted for inflation it should go at least 20% higher for both. I'm not too much the analyst but I know gut feeling. I have a real sense that if anyone one this board puts some or all of their money to work now, they will be rewarded with 10% further gains by the end of the year. Go away in May does not work this year. Nor does a usual Summer pause. In fact these scenarios, this year, are only past fear patterns that Miss Market will use to confound the weak and tepid buyer. She wants your love but like most rewards, to get it you'll have to strengthen your resolve. Great gains only come at a price and a risk. If you want the rewards Miss Market will give you, you must commit your time, attention, and money to her.
Folks. We're grinding higher. There are some, even well paid analysts, who have these great viewpoints, yet you can throw them out the window (the viewpoints, not the analysts). Some talk out of both sides of their mouths. If you've been around stocks for years, decades, like I have you can see that these analysts want to cover any losses should they occur, as well as take credit for any gains. However, with this market being the same kind of grinder you've heard described in some sports players, it will not disappoint. There are many analysts that truly believe it'll go higher. An investor who can see 'green' throughout this market's movements can make money. In a word, this market is resilient.
If this market were a horse race, the C, S, and I funds would be the front runners. The G and F funds would be the horses that only helped push the winners. The thing is, this is a real race. It's there for everyone to participate in. Some can stay home and not buy into it, but it's a real race. It'll go on very well without those who don't fill the seats. And the winner is me, and those who pay to play.
A tip about investing, particularly in this market. You'll make in it, exactly what you think you'll make in it. RMI has adjusted his thinking to believe this market will go up, as I did at the first of the year, and it has. Even in the short time RMI has adjusted his sights, the market has gone up. Good luck to you all.
It's a pleasure now, to be less committed to watching the market and simply checking it a few times a day. It has a mind of its own and will continue its upward march while I sit back and enjoy my tsp gains. It's great to make a thousand a day in the market not doing anything but relaxing by the pool, or driving my pristeen 2010 Lexus LS430 with the sunroof opened.
The C fund continues its climb. Most buyers in the market know just where the C fund is relative to 1700. It's nice to watch it grow. In June through September we will watch it climb from 1700 to 1800. All aboard!