Ok folks, I'm catching flack for my lousy response to GUCHI's comment and question. I misinterpreted his comment. Apologies all around. The answer to the question above is, "Heck yes," this market is going to go higher this Summer. Is it, will it be an untypical Summer? Yes. But for those of us who look at this market while considering inflation, today's 1660 SPX is actually 1800. This market will be relentless and climb to 1900 or 2000 in 365 days so jump in and stay in. This is what I say as I gaze into my crystal ball. And maybe when I gaze into my crystal ball I fail to see the real, OK world around me. Thanks for your question GUCHI and I hope I've answered it well enough. Have a great June. And to the number crunchers using charts and graphs (good info in a normal market), maybe this is keeping most of you out of this great, once in a decade market. There's still time to get in and make a profit. Hear that Amoeba!? I'm trying to keep it light and keep it serious. Sorta like Heath Ledger's fantastic Joker character when he asks, "Why so serious?". Yeah folks, I'm out there, but I plan to make some money right now! Join me.