James48843 Account Talk

This makes no sense to me. I"m bailing out today.

Moving 94% "G" fund, with my little toe in at 6% 'L Income". (Just cause. )

I'm not liking this either. Could be re-winding for a positive move but I'm not feeling all that confident. Plus, I'm happy where I am for the year so far. Maybe time for the pull-back everyone is fearing so I'm gone to G for a bit. Happy trading!

This makes no sense to me. I"m bailing out today.

Moving 94% "G" fund, with my little toe in at 6% 'L Income". (Just cause. )

I am seeing a probable 3-6% pullback here.

Could be more.

It’s simply time for the markets to take a breather and consolidate a bit.

My 2 cents.

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Your 2 cents, or one of those "feelings" again? I've added your feelings to my list of indicators since they've been pretty good over the years. :)
Only my 2 cents.

Not yet a feeling.

The hair on the back of my next isn't burning .

I'm saying it only based on the charts not looking right to me- that we've gone upward for too long without a break, AND that the P&F chart on the S&P500 has this little three "X"s horizontally- I'll show you later.

When I get the "hair on the neck thing", i will post it.

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Ok- so I blew that one too.

Back into the market - “S” =80% and C=20%

I can’t log in to the auto tracker- I’m traveling today. Will try and do that move when I get to a computer tonight.

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Tooo much job related travel recently.

Can't spend enough time watching the markets. Feel kind of icky after hearing about more trade tariffs this week ahead, and also think something isn't quite right. Nothing for sure, no hair standing up, but i'm going to head for safety for a bit.

Moving 90% "G" and 10% "L Income" today, for Close of Business tomorrow.

Good luck!
I'm looking at this chart, and both the "C" and "S" charts are telling me there is EITHER a floor right here, --- OR --- that they are about to really, really take a beating.

I will be watching closely what happens today.

On the minus side- indicators I've seen lately-

1. Auto production/Sales- Both GM and Ford have been reporting significantly lower sales numbers. GM in fact stopped reporting monthly on sale, and now is only reporting quarterly- which they just showed auto sales down 11% year over year. That is significant to me- and a leading indicator of an economy starting to suffer. Ford announces thousands of layoffs. (24,000) tHAT IS BIG NEWS.

2. China trade woes- the first round of wide-spread tariffs are now kicking in, and starting to show up. This affects places like Wal-Mart and the cheapo Dollar Stores and will knock a hole in sale volume. The 10% tariffs just kicked in, and it's already affecting stuff. Just wait until those 25% tariffs kick in- that will be a gut -punch. Only time will tell if the plan to boot tariffs up works to open up other nations- it's not working so far. We'll see.

3. CLimbing interest rates. Good for those who want to buy an annuity. Bad for businesses and consumers that need to borrow money- it just got more expensive to do so.

On the positive side- employment picture is still good, although the report last Friday wasn't quite as healthy as expected. We need a couple of months to see if the trend has shifted or not.

Good luck.
I capitulate. Something terrible is happening. I’m on the sidelines for safety. 90% G and 10% L income, because the market is about to thunk really hard.

Yes Tom, even the hair says so.
Now is a good time to review, and discuss, the differences between a simple market pullback; a "correction", and a "bear market".

We don't have enough information yet to know what is going on- but it certainly is acting like more than our normal market correction. Of course, we've had a LONG run upwards- but the lack of any solid pushback in last ten days or so means this is a good time to go review our definitions, so we are all understanding and have common ideas around what the different terms mean.

Here is a good primer on the differences between a simple market correction, and a real "BEAR MARKET", for you to think about: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bearmarket.asp

I have no idea how this will end up, but to put things into perspective, we had a larger point decline in February (red bar), and so far a similar one to the pullback in March (blue bar)....

Ok- I’m sitting on the sidelines, and dreaming about what I’m gonna do when all this bloodbath is over.

I’m thinking down perhaps another 3-5%, and then we are done. We are NOT quite done yet- but I think we are closer to a short term bottom than not.

And I’m thinking 36-42 foot sailboat in my future.

I’m dreaming, but I’m dreaming of a nice sail.

Any other sail types out here?

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Ok- I’m sitting on the sidelines, and dreaming about what I’m gonna do when all this bloodbath is over.

I’m thinking down perhaps another 3-5%, and then we are done. We are NOT quite done yet- but I think we are closer to a short term bottom than not.

And I’m thinking 36-42 foot sailboat in my future.

I’m dreaming, but I’m dreaming of a nice sail. I’d really like to get one of these to retire upon.

Any other sail types out here?



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