James48843 Account Talk

Ohio Amish Barn raising-

one photo every twenty seconds for just over ten hours. May 13, 2014, condensed to a 3 minute 30 second video.,

Crap- day before yesterday I moved back into stocks, based in part on some signals I follow.

I just looked at the P&F chart for the "S" fund, and I have not seen anything that UGLY in a long time.

So I am bailing out again into G today.

Here's your sign. I lost again.

Moving from mostly stocks into mostly "F" fund. thinking we've had a nice recovery but that somethings hiccuping in the overall economy- enough to hedge my bets and take a breather.

Oil is falling faster than it should. Watching that. Also noticed cars sales were weaker last month- gotta watch what November sales were, and do some thinking here.

Conflicting indicators make for muddy crystal balls.
I am looking to perhaps jump back in soon. I am thinking we have about another 1.5% to 2.5% lower from here, and then we will get some holiday seasonal action to kick in.

I could be wrong, but I am now about $1 a share cheaper in both "C" and "S" than when I sold back on December 1, so I am thinking this is a good little place to pick up the advantage and ride it back.

Will be watching for more signals over the next two or three days for the right entry point. I am thinking today will be a small bounce upwards, but it will peter out again by the end of the day. That would be what I expect- and then the next two days flattening out, before a recovery begins.

Of course, I could be incredibly wrong too, (I have been a lot of times), so who knows?

Good luck!
Pulling the trigger at the right time is the key. I'm just trying to hold on to my meager earnings.
For what it is worth- it is also notable that the VIX hit 23 yesteday. Here is an article on the recent history of when the "fear index", or VIX, goes above 20.

I am thinking we are within 72 hours of my entry point, but I am not sure exactly where that is going to be.

I am hoping for another 24-hours DOWn before I seriously look at pulling the trigger to get back into stocks- then the debate will simply be- "C" or "S"...or, of course, a dash of "I" for the wild ride. - (or some combination thereof).
I just threw my hands up in the air- and moved all in. I'll be 100% "S" fund by the close of business today.

Merry Christmas.
OK- the P&F chart is showing that everything got filled in yesterday (an open gap in the S&P 500, and the rest of the little "o"s on both the S&P500 and the "S" chart).


The VIX spiked up yesterday to a point equal to the high points over the last four months or so.

So I am taking that as a doulble- signal that it's time to be bold and jump back in. the "S" has lost 3% this month, and I am thinking that this is a good place to jump back in. I bailed out December 31st- but will be jumping back in today.

Going 100% "S" before noon today- to be effective at close of business (COB) today.

Good luck.