James48843 Account Talk

I feel bad for ya and would love to help out however for future reference don't wait until Dec. 26th to make sure all your neccessary snow equipment is ready for the task:D

Oh yeah.
Happy Holidays James.
Highway dashboard cam view of that Russian plane crash yesterday that killed 4.

The plane ran off the end of the runway and overshot right into the highway.

I just wanted to savor this for a moment.

I ended up in 21st place- out of 985 members.


I beat all of the funds, and all of the "methods", and all of the "services".

Greg Long- you are wrong- one CAN do better than "buy and hold".

I could not have done that without everyone here giving their observations- without me hearing what others were thinking and saying, and without the great minds here on TSP TALK talking about their thoughts in the marketplace.

To everyone in TSPTALK land.... thanks for all the fish.

See you in 2013!
ha ha! hit 21, that's good man. congratulations. i was doing a little year end gloating myself last night too. but i stopped short of firing up my graphics software, i just burned it into my brain instead. i finished #123, that's a good number. see you next year.
Did you notice he still has his bear suit on - it won't be long before he reverts back to the dark side. Unless of course he has found redemption in the I fund - but for how much longer. Yes, it's good to see a bear come into the light.

I love this shot.
This one might have to be added to the group of iconic images from space. On December 21, a Soyuz spacecraft carrying new crewmembers approached the International Space Station. Commander Kevin Ford, already on the ISS, took this image showing the Moon above, bright blue Earth below and the Soyuz coming into view. “Science fiction into fact,” said Canadian Chris Hadfield, who was on board the Soyuz, along with Roman Romanenko and Tom Marshburn.

Read more: Lovely Image from Space: Earth, Moon and Approaching Spacecraft
That TSPTALK Sentiment Survey "Sell" signal caught be off guard. I wasn't expecting that. But I also just got a BUY signal from the P&F chart- and because of that, I decided to wait a day and let's see what happens on Monday before making a trade out of stocks.

I give a lot of creedance to the Sentiment Survey - it's been right more often that it's been wrong, but I want to wait a couple days and see where it's going, because it COULD be just a fluke due to that huge spike up earlier this week. Sentiment survey usually is a few days early anyway-so I'll wait one or two days and reassess before i pull any triggers on my own account.

Have a great day. 2013 is going to be a good year- I just feel it. fingers crossed!
[h=5]Officially "dopted" into my home this weekend- please welcome Azalea! I signed the papers on Friday, and she's one happy baby. Azalea is a two-year old "Great Dane-Terrier mix", according to the pound. Actually she's mostly pit bullish-terrier, but I'm not going to tell anyone that.

She and Dixie (a brindle-coated whippet who adopted me a month ago) have decided they are going to take care of me together from now on.

At this moment, Azalea is watching TV on the couch and her eyes are almost closed.

Love both my babies!
azalea.jpg Dixie.jpg
Actually she's mostly pit bullish-terrier, but I'm not going to tell anyone that.

Both beautiful dogs..good luck with them..but, It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that your new dog is a PIT-BULL and they are all terriers...Be sure your home owner's insurance will not drop you because of the inherent liability that comes with a PIT-BULL...Just an FYI.
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I love Dixie's coat. Nice coloring. Hopefully Azalea has the nice rounded teeth of the Great Dane instead of the sharpened-spikes-of-death that pit bulls have. Of course, from the look of her, I bet she has some sharp teeth. I can see a bit of the shape of the Dane to her head. Have fun with them and may they live long and healthy with you.
This tune has been floating through my brain all afternoon-

I couldn't remember the title- but it just came back to me a moment ago.

Love this song.
