Intrepid_Timer's PUBLIC Account Talk

Re: Intrepid_Timer's Account Talk Nice Gains

Having the equivalent of my salary added to TSP for a few years would help the retirement outlook. :nuts:

hahah i wish i could do that, but i'm already on noodles as it is lol mortgage sucks but i believe it will benefit me in the long run
Re: Intrepid_Timer's Account Talk Nice Gains

Wow, if anything close to that can happen for me, I will have gained nearly $12K. That is insane! :D

The I-T System is for real. I've made 12% plus since last Oct. Including up days in S and I fund for 5K to 6K for one day, with no down days to match... Looking forward to 24 plus percent this year in this very violatile Market:nuts:!
I am extremely happy with I_Ts system. Well worth the monthly fee and Mike is really responsive to any questions on the I_T investment strategies thread. :)
Re: Intrepid_Timer's Account Talk Nice Gains

Makes a return for $20 bucks a month look pretty good :)

Glad to see some folks are doing well with IT. I'll be the last guy you'll see pimping out someone's product, but when you consider we have over 200 folks who aren't beating the G-Fund (cash) then then I'd strongly suggest considering a differnt course of action.
Exactly why I subscribed to it. I'm both new and clueless -- a dangerous combination! But thanks to I_T I'm sitting at #76 on the tracker. Not too bad!
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This looks like a good place to start:

The FRTIB also consults with the Employee Thrift Advisory Council (ETAC), a statutorily created Advisory Committee comprising representatives of employee organizations, unions, and the uniformed services. The Council provides advice to the Board and the Executive Director on matters relating to the investment policies and administration of the TSP.

If you click on the link for the ETAC at the above link, it gives a list of different ETAC members and organizations.

Well, remember why we don't have more than two IFT's a month. Us, the clients are not suppose to make very much money with this buy and hold system. The FRTIB is all about keeping thier clients and money with a platform to make a trade. It's Blackrock that is here to make money. This is the reason we have two trades a month. Years ago when we were trading daily and doing well. Daily trades cut into Blackrocks action causing less profits and more risk for them. Daily fluctuations had to get wild for Blackrock to hedge against our postions causing a rucus with them. Hence, eventually cut to two IFT's a month. I don't like it either and wish we had more. :mad:


After review of the ETAC members and the FRTIB attitude toward us "day traders" it is obvious that there would have to be "tea party" like pressure to get any of these entities to change their mind about 2 trades per month. If I remember correctly, the FTRIB did not want costs to rise due to excessive trading by "day traders" and have to pass those costs onto those who do not, cannot or do not understand investing. Their attitude is buy and hold. But we all know that buy and hold gets you maybe 3-5% annual return over the last five or so years.
Looking at the list of the ETAC I can identify many Union advisors. No way do they want to see anyone get ahead of any other participant especially at the cost of those paticpants who do not, cannot or do not understand investing.
I suppose I may sound a bit sour. I am on big government. Tends to get in the way of hard workers, hard thinkers and risk takers.
After review of the ETAC members and the FRTIB attitude toward us "day traders" it is obvious that there would have to be "tea party" like pressure to get any of these entities to change their mind about 2 trades per month. If I remember correctly, the FTRIB did not want costs to rise due to excessive trading by "day traders" and have to pass those costs onto those who do not, cannot or do not understand investing. Their attitude is buy and hold. But we all know that buy and hold gets you maybe 3-5% annual return over the last five or so years.
Looking at the list of the ETAC I can identify many Union advisors. No way do they want to see anyone get ahead of any other participant especially at the cost of those paticpants who do not, cannot or do not understand investing.
I suppose I may sound a bit sour. I am on big government. Tends to get in the way of hard workers, hard thinkers and risk takers.

If we have any take charge types with the time, perhaps we can start something? Like I said, I don't think giving us 3 IFTs per month to allow us to make two round trips into equities is too much to ask and would keep both sides content.

If we could get everyone of TSPtalk to help out, perhaps we could get everyone to stop their contributions for one month or something to show our solidarity. Do I sound too much like a union rep? :blink:
If we have any take charge types with the time, perhaps we can start something? Like I said, I don't think giving us 3 IFTs per month to allow us to make two round trips into equities is too much to ask and would keep both sides content.

If we could get everyone of TSPtalk to help out, perhaps we could get everyone to stop their contributions for one month or something to show our solidarity. Do I sound too much like a union rep? :blink:
I know that James put a huge amount of time and effort into gathering a lot of pertinent data and then presenting it to the FRTIB a few years back. It didn't do a thing. FWIW
I know that James put a huge amount of time and effort into gathering a lot of pertinent data and then presenting it to the FRTIB a few years back. It didn't do a thing. FWIW
At that time we were trying to get them to not move forward with limits, which the TSP refused to budge on, but maybe 3 or 4 IFT's won't be too much to ask? Of course the TSP puts us "timers" in about the same category as oil speculators so I am not optimistic.

I have been hoping James would follow through on the cost savings / non-savings since the limts were put in place but he has seems reluctant to do so. Maybe they gave him a tough time at work because of this, I don't know. I know I had some issues at work a few years ago over this.

I guess I could take the lead on finding out, since I am no longer with the gov't, but James is such a better detective than me. :)
At that time we were trying to get them to not move forward with limits, which the TSP refused to budge on, but maybe 3 or 4 IFT's won't be too much to ask? Of course the TSP puts us "timers" in about the same category as oil speculators so I am not optimistic.

I have been hoping James would follow through on the cost savings / non-savings since the limts were put in place but he has seems reluctant to do so. Maybe they gave him a tough time at work because of this, I don't know. I know I had some issues at work a few years ago over this.

I guess I could take the lead on finding out, since I am no longer with the gov't, but James is such a better detective than me. :)

That would be awesome Tom. I could help out as much as possible since I no longer work for them either. I'm busy quite a bit with a little something else though.........;)
If we have any take charge types with the time, perhaps we can start something? Like I said, I don't think giving us 3 IFTs per month to allow us to make two round trips into equities is too much to ask and would keep both sides content.

If we could get everyone of TSPtalk to help out, perhaps we could get everyone to stop their contributions for one month or something to show our solidarity. Do I sound too much like a union rep? :blink:

I think the idea of not counting the entry to the "G" fund would be easier to achieve. That would give us two transfers to equities like it should be. :suspicious:
I think the idea of not counting the entry to the "G" fund would be easier to achieve. That would give us two transfers to equities like it should be. :suspicious:

I'd be happy with this too.
How about an online signature petition? Is anyone familiar with that? Has it worked in the past and does it stand a chance with TSP?
I wrote a letter one time a few years back. Obviously it fell on deaf ears. Having only 2 IFT's per month is absolutely ridiculous. I am on board for whatever it takes to get this rule changed.
I think the idea of not counting the entry to the "G" fund would be easier to achieve. That would give us two transfers to equities like it should be. :suspicious:

The only problem I see with this is if we wanted to go from an equity to the F fund rather than G. We'd still be stuck.
I'd be happy with this too.
How about an online signature petition? Is anyone familiar with that? Has it worked in the past and does it stand a chance with TSP?

I think this was tried with the 3000 which formed a list for them to know who was moving their funds once a day. Have to be willing to give up your real name and address to them. I'll be number two, maybe?
A pay for trade would be nice too. Maybe a new thread if we want to continue. This could be an exciting subject.
I wrote a letter one time a few years back. Obviously it fell on deaf ears. Having only 2 IFT's per month is absolutely ridiculous. I am on board for whatever it takes to get this rule changed.

I say we pull a Madistan on them!

Look what that accomplished...

Um, nevermind

2-3 of us needs to get on the board, maybe take it over :D