Interfund Transfer Cancelled

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Hi Rod-It looks like its going to be a bumpy ride this year. This is getting to be too much. I remember you posted last years returns with 20% in each fund but I can't find it. Can you provide it or direct me to the posting I am really thinking this might be the bestposition until we can see how thenext couple of weeks go.

Thanks In Advance

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I think its fairly clear at this point that the S fund, as is the norm for January, is THE fund in the headlights during this month. When the bull roars, the S fund leads. When the bear leaves us all scratched up, its the S fund that is taking the brunt of it.

So now we come back to the key question..will the rest of this month be bullish? In a word...I dunno. However, from the looks of it, and from history, I am expecting a mini rally next week in the S fund followed by a finaldownturn for the month in the following week.

I would expect the S fund to be the most negative of the funds by the end of the month, based upon its current course, but I still expect it to be higher than it is now.

SO, I will continue to focus on the dollar in plotting a course for the upcoming weeks. Should a serious dollar rally show legs, I'll be moving more $ into the S fund. However, if the dollar falls, then it should negatively affect both the C and S funds. In that case, I will continue to be (as I currently am) - 100% I.

My guess is that, around the last week inJanuary, all funds should again come under considerable selling pressure. During that time, I'll begin to transition more into the G fund.
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buybest wrote:
I remember you posted last years returns with 20% in each fund but I can't find it. Can you provide it or direct me to the posting I am really thinking this might be the bestposition until we can see how thenext couple of weeks go.

Thanks In Advance

I'm sorry, but I don't recall doing this...:%

Perhaps it was someone else???