IllinifanMichael's Account Talk

Something like bragging about your ability to know a person is guilty just by looking at them... ;)
:laugh: I did make them laugh calling the lawyers offense and defense and I ended up getting picked for a trial expected to last for the next week and 1/2... NOW I'm glad I was in G & F, looking like I'm staying there for a few days too until the market does something besides going in wrong direction...
Which direction is wrong? :)
For me it's when I look at the bottom of a page (like a thread) and see the blue line ending up below red dashed line... or the pretty blue line starts out in middle or towards top and goes from upper left to lower bottom right.... I'm a lover of the pretty blue line starting out in bottom left corner and ending up in upper right corner :D
Well at last my jury duty is over with, had youngest son's graduation party last night so ready to hop back into the loop de loop. :D Even though I had 3 positive gain days, I was down .25% for the week because of Thursday's carnage to my account.

Hope everyone has a safe holiday weekend. I have starting positions #21 & 29 in the Indy 500 pool :( I hope Tuesday brings a start to a prosperous finish for the month of May.

I think Dell is making/made a smart move by agreeing to sell some of it's computers at Walmart, in the long run it will help out both companies, I can see Walmart's stock heading up a solid percentage. Have to see what some of the reports coming out next week bring.

I've read that new home prices are down allowing for more sales, but around where I live the existing home sales are extremely slow, having quite a negative impact on many neighborhoods.....
The silver lining in the housing decline is that it could help cool inflation. Weakness in housing has pushed down measures of rent, a key segment of core inflation rates. The core PCE comes out this Friday. If it's less than 2% be ready for rocket time.
The silver lining in the housing decline is that it could help cool inflation. Weakness in housing has pushed down measures of rent, a key segment of core inflation rates. The core PCE comes out this Friday. If it's less than 2% be ready for rocket time.
I sure hope so... I like the the train ride up ...

So when does the C fund top $17? How about the S passing by $21? and we can't forget about the I topping $25.......... Anyone want to predict? :nuts: I'm thinking within the next week or 1st week of June. I think Wednesday's report's ( I believe they come out Wednesday) will help determine how quickly it moves upward, or levels out. With some solid mergers and buyouts the march upward would continue.
Hmmmm I should have let my S & I fund picks ride, but nooo I had switched out of them, at least I didn't lose any ground and picked up a tad bit with C fund. Nice little 5 day run (so far ) going on, sure hope it continues.:)
I think Dell is making/made a smart move by agreeing to sell some of it's computers at Walmart, in the long run it will help out both companies, I can see Walmart's stock heading up a solid percentage. Have to see what some of the reports coming out next week bring.
Good for Walmart & Dell this week.... Should go even higher when Dell actually starts selling their computers at Walmart.
I wonder how much of a difference it'd make if we could do IFT's say by midnight EST and they'd take effect next business day.... I'd sure do better even with a time of say 6pm. Well, I think I'd do better :nuts:
WHAT a bummer. I went to make an IFT yesterday and it said I needed a TSP Account number. Hmmmm I wondered. So at work last night, well okay earlier this morning, I asked around and several people said they received their number in the mail about 2 weeks ago. I never did, several others said they didn't either. :mad: Now I have to wait on it to arrive in the mail, hoping it doesn't affect me to much.