IllinifanMichael's Account Talk


There is a difference between percentage gains and earnings. Even a 30% gain on shallow pockets still leaves one with shallow pockets. Personally, I made $96K last year on a tracked 18% gain, but when you include DCA I had a 21% gain. It simply takes multithousands of shares in anything to generate that kind of income - and the only way to get the appropriate level is to save and invest and save some more. I use DCAing as my redeemer - it helps soothe many a mistake. My goal for this year is $125K - and if you look around you will realize soon enough who the money crowd members are - guys like Ocean, etc. Slow down 12% I'm not trying to be braggadocio.

I hope to get here one day...
I moved 3 threads, well copied and added them over in mine from 12% account thread. I felt like I had hijacked his account talk thread there for a bit.. :embarrest:
Re: Answer from 12%'s account

Originally Posted by IllinifanMichael
How do you figure your total earnings %??? Does balance amount you have play a role? I had 30% in C,S,I and 10% in G all of last year.:confused:

Here is the math....example.....2006 ending balance________ minus contributions and match _________minus 2006 starting balance_______ divide by 2006 staring balance= % rate of return

I am going to try and figure this out then and see what I come up with... :confused: :D
Hey EW guy (or anyone else)

What do you mean by highly paid government worker and how does this effect/affect me?

I did an analysis on a friend's future retirement in the FERS system. They started working for Department of Navy at age 22, in January 2002. At MRA of 58 with 35 years in FERS, the estimated percentage, based upon High Three Year average salary, was 35% FERS pension and 16% Social Security. Since thet are considered a highly paid government worker, social security is a much smaller share of retirement. The third leg of TSP must be invested wisely to pick up 30%+ of the High Three. The estimated inflation was 3.0% with 1.5% real wage growth over the next thirty years. They are currently ND4 (GS12-6) and contibuted 7% to TSP.

PS. I did hijack this reply from some other thread BTW..... ;)
By highly paid government employee I just mean your federal salary is large enough so social security drops below 30% of your retirement package. This is above $50,000 but below the income limits on Roth IRA contributions ($98-$100K single, $150-$160K married joint).
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By highly paid government employee I just mean your federal salary is large enough so social security drops below 30% of your retirement package. This is above $50,000 but below the income limits on Roth IRA contributions ($98-$100K single, $150-$160K married joint).

Hmmm so what are the rammifications of this?? :confused: My base pay is above $50k and my gross is well over that. This is mine alone, not including my wife. She is in private sector. Never really have figured out the % from social security of my retirement package, but at age 62 social security for me would be about 20% ( or less) of retirement I'm thinking. Totally depends on TSP account really.
Grrrrrrr frustrated because I should have went F fund for Tuesday, thats what my head said but my heart was hollering in other direction but was hoping... bit me in da butt... oh well, I hope to rebound with I fund heading into Wednesday. I think I read into things to much and I really need to learn to trust the F fund once in awhile, I don't think I've been in F fund since late 80's.:embarrest:
I think I read into things to much and I really need to learn to trust the F fund once in awhile, I don't think I've been in F fund since late 80's.:embarrest:
I know when I move to the F fund I get a lot of of grief from readers. They tell how it's the worst performing fund for years, you take on risk when the G fund is more reliable, etc. But of course I am not investing in the F fund. I use the F fund in lieu of G when I am on the sidelines and the AGG technical picture looks promising.

So yes, we shouldn't invest in the F fund (except maybe a small percentage as part of a buy and hold strategy) but there are times to take the chance and trust it. But I think I know why they named the bond fund the "F" fund... Fill in your own joke here. :D
I know when I move to the F fund I get a lot of of grief from readers. They tell how it's the worst performing fund for years, you take on risk when the G fund is more reliable, etc. But of course I am not investing in the F fund. I use the F fund in lieu of G when I am on the sidelines and the AGG technical picture looks promising.

So yes, we shouldn't invest in the F fund (except maybe a small percentage as part of a buy and hold strategy) but there are times to take the chance and trust it. But I think I know why they named the bond fund the "F" fund... Fill in your own joke here. :D
Gonna see what happens on Thursday... I am more in line/tune with Dodge 'Em's thought process. But SOMETHING has to give... doesn't it??? I also went and read some of your commentaries and you explain yourself/thought process quite well.... but I haven't seen anyone pick 'em all right yet. What is longest consecutive days of picking right fund(s) in a row????? :confused:
I dunno if I'm happy or discouraged... but my TSP account is up 3.3% for the month of April so far. Better than a loss, but I think it could be better. Maybe I'm getting to greedy. :embarrest:
Pretty dang good in my opinion. Now do that every month.
:D I am hoping... just figured it up and at 8.6% for 2007 so far... protecting that from a significant loss is on my mind now.

Don't get caught up in the 20-20 hindsight mind game.

3.3% a month is great!
Yeah I try not to, but I do wonder and try to catch things as they happen so I can learn from them later.. hopefully! :laugh:

Watching the experts on TV now and they are all over the place too... I still am unsure yet as to what direction to do....
On the roller coaster we go. I'm thinking we are heading higher right now with companies posting better returns/profits than predicted/expected.:blink:
Moved to G for Monday the 30th.... I still think we are heading upwards until September or there about... just need to catch the coaster on it's way up.

Side thought is I think the F fund will still move up overall, even though I always seem to catch it on it's down turns.
I have come to the conclusion that cost's me $$$$ :D Every day so far I make a pot of coffee sit down with a fresh cup and start reading threads. Invariably the cup goes cold by the time I get back to drinking it because I get so engrossed. :suspicious: Even though I concentrate on finishing the cup.... so off to the microwave I go to reheat it (energy used) but reheated coffee isn't as fresh tasting, sooooo eventually now I make 2 pots of coffee instead of one! :laugh:
I can easily count the number of bulls on this board on one hoof - 3.

I understand that Birchtree and I think the reason why is because overall we have a herd mentality which is leading to more and more destructive rampages down Wall Street. Passive investing by sticking to a fund or 2, is a perfectly acceptable practice. The problems come when people move from passive investing to active, but stick with the behavior of a passive investor.

There is a lot of available information for TSPers, but I think most are like me in that we are inexperienced and accept information with an uncritical & untrained eye, maybe even overwhelmed by the information and neglect to check it out ourself is what leads to herding. Hey we all want the easy way. :D A straight ride to 14K in 29 days would be sweet, but as I said somewhere earlier I'm expecting/hoping for 14K by October and I KNOW it will be a roller coaster ride there.