48% of SPX (C fund) earnings are coming from export orientation - that's a reasonably safe dollar play. Some folks here are only interested in the percentage game rather than accumulation of shares for the valuation approach. If you rode the thunder in 2000 and 2001 - 2002 by staying in the C fund and did dollar cost averaging all the way into the bottom - you must have really stunk up the place on the ride in 2003 - smelling like a rose. The trick is to use a dollar cost average approach as the portfolio redeemer. Just think that when you hit fifty you can dump $20,000 a year into your TSP. Let's see 20,000 x 10 = 200,000 and don't forget the matching, every little bit helps. I took down 1300 C fund shares last year - I won't be so lucky this year because prices are on the move.