I-Fund a winner

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Show-me wrote:
Yahoo - I use ^N300 it was up 1.89% this morning and ^N225 for the other.


Thank you, Show-me!! I really appreciate the info! Now lets see 2+2 = 3 and if I multiply by 4 I should get ? Wait a minute this is not coming out right! Don't worry folks this is redneck math works every time! Lets see, if my left pinky is ^N225 and my big toe is ^N300 it should come out in between somewhere. If they run all night do they meet in the same spot? Greg seems to think so! Maybe I should lay in the redneck pool awhile and think this baby over a little and do some testing. Hey Marge! Lets go Chunky Dunkin! :D
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vectorman wrote:
Eafe up .675%, if no adjustments made maybe I fund up 11 cents.:?
That doesn't work. The I-fund went up/down $ 0.00 :(
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Okay, Vectorman! It seems the I fund has actually corrected itself yesterday that means that if the EFA is down and the dollar strong it may go down big today and or vise versa! It seems like it took themabout two days to adjust fully for the dollars movement, and with the high Nikkei, itoffset the down movement. This means they are doing this to throw the timers off and it is working thus far. I have to do more redneck math to figure this out.

Does anyone know if there is an index for the United Kingdom that is part of the I fund,like the Japanese Nikkei?
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cowboy wrote:
Okay, Vectorman! It seems the I fund has actually corrected itself yesterday that means that if the EFA is down and the dollar strong it may go down big today and or vise versa! It seems like it took themabout two days to adjust fully for the dollars movement, and with the high Nikkei, itoffset the down movement. This means they are doing this to throw the timers off and it is working thus far. I have to do more redneck math to figure this out.

Does anyone know if there is an index for the United Kingdom that is part of the I fund,like the Japanese Nikkei?

Check also with show-me, he probably knows the correct index.

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Greg wrote:
vectorman wrote:
Eafe up .675%, if no adjustments made maybe I fund up 11 cents.:?
That doesn't work. The I-fund went up/down $ 0.00 :(
Greg, I thought you had come over to my side on this thing. It does work. Over 90% of the time. It was exactly right every day in August. It has only been off a few times in September and that is because of the adjustments that the TSP board makes from time to time. And then of course once they make an adjustment they need to make one or two more in the next couple of days to get it back on track.

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Has anyone picked two points in EFV and I Fund to see if their NAV changes match? Say Feb 1, 2003 and Feb 1, 2004?
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The EFV is up today so now they are going to give a raise to the I fund as they are off by .11 cents and adjust to the dollar so I would expect the I fund will get nice raise today. Lets see if this happens.
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Rolo wrote:
Has anyone picked two points in EFV and I Fund to see if their NAV changes match? Say Feb 1, 2003 and Feb 1, 2004?
Yes, I did and they matched. The I-fundhad about a 1.1% gain in a year more than EAF, which was from dividends just like theC-fund is ~1.4% higher in a year than the S&P500.
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Wheels wrote:
Greg, I thought you had come over to my side on this thing.
Day to day, anything can happen because these markets, and the dollar, trade 24/7. By year's end though, the EAFE in dollars will be up or down almost exactly what the I fund is up or down.
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cowboy wrote:
The EFV is up today so now they are going to give a raise to the I fund as they are off by .11 cents and adjust to the dollar so I would expect the I fund will get nice raise today. Lets see if this happens.
Cowboy I wouldn't look for a big raise, the European markets and Australia were down big. But the dollar is really weak, which will help. Japan was up again. My guessafter secret adjustments the I fund will be upalittle, if at all, might break even again, but I hope I wrong.


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My thinking is the dollar will effect the I fund more short term than the foriegn markets will. Since what you say is so and the I fund did not pay the .11 cents yesterday as it should have the I fund will be up and if the dollar stays weak it may pay more than .11 cents unless theI fund goes red than it will pay less. Right at this time I am guessing here.
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I got cheated yesterday when I sold 25%I and I HAD BETTER NOT GET CHEATED AGAIN today when I sell 25%I.
'Nuff said.
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Greg wrote:
I got cheated yesterday when I sold 25%I and I HAD BETTER NOT GET CHEATED AGAIN today when I sell 25%I.
'Nuff said.

OK. Today, they put the I-fund up 7 cents to $16.72. THIS IS WHERE IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE FOR TODAY. BUT YESTERDAY I GOT CHEATED. Today DID NOT make for my losses yesterday. Are they just gone? :X. Yesterday, I actually sold 25% of my entire account in the I-fund and I WAS CHEATED - not like the people who held their I-funds yesterday - theirs were paper loses that were corrected today - MINE WERE REAL LOSES.

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Greg wrote:
I got cheated yesterday when I sold 25%I and I HAD BETTER NOT GET CHEATED AGAIN today when I sell 25%I.
'Nuff said.
I also know the feeling of being ripped off. But at least you saved the other 25% before pulling out of the I fund. I look for the I fund to start correcting to the down side. But it could do like it did at the end of Feburary before it pullsback. Depends on the dollar.

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IMHO the I fund is more suitable to accumulation using dollar cost averaging your contributions rather than trying to pistol shoot the thing - it's just too unwieldy on a short term basis. Build it for a reserve position to be used at a later date to trade one of the other funds. You had a nice position at 50C and 50I - now that you are clean - reenter your 50C and hold reserve in 50G so that you can add to the C which ever way it rolls. I know you enjoy strangers telling you what to do, especially when it's your money. If you don't want to work your G fund will you lend me some so that I can at least add to my depleting C fund - I'm already 100%- so all I can do is dollar cost average my contributions.

From another thread- I prefer the slasher movie where gloom and doom guy is chasing poor little Goldilocks. And thanks again for the canoe stuff. Take care
